Insurance Innovators Summit logo


Explore the comprehensive agenda featuring keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Stay ahead of the curve with insights from insurance industry leaders and innovators.

08.50 - 09.00

Opening remarks

Carter Lawrence picture

Carter Lawrence

Commissioner - Commerce & Insurance
Tennessee Government
09.00 - 09.15
Keynote address

Innovating for the future: strategies for success

Rich Suter picture

Rich Suter

Group President
Great American Insurance Group
09.15 - 09.30
Keynote address

Igniting innovation: shaping the future of commercial auto with the flame of AI

Kevin Abramson  picture

Kevin Abramson

Cover Whale
09.30 - 09.45
Keynote address

Does regulation help or hinder innovation? US and Canadian markets – a comparative approach

Celyeste Power picture

Celyeste Power

CEO and President
Insurance Bureau of Canada
09.45 - 10.00

Advisory session

Mark Belak picture

Mark Belak

Account Director
10.00 - 10.15
Keynote address

Prospects for the insurance industry | The view from a rating agency: AM Best

Jim Gillard picture

Jim Gillard

EVP and Chief Operating Officer
AM Best
10.15 - 10.50
Leaders' Forum

Strategic priorities for 2024 and beyond

  • A changing risk landscape: where do the opportunities and challenges lie? 
  • Facing disruption head on: what strategies will be key to succeeding in the age of innovation? 
  • Delivering for the customer: how will the industry need to continue to evolve? 
  • Building a workforce fit for the future 
  • Navigating economic uncertainty: what are the key success factors?   
  • The insurtech promise: a realistic reevaluation 
Donald Lacey picture

Donald Lacey

Chief Investment Officer, Ping An Voyager Partners
Ping An Global Voyager
Kimberly Vaughn  picture

Kimberly Vaughn

VP Claims Experience and Culture
Amerisure Insurance
Marcus Rohlfs picture

Marcus Rohlfs

Director of Scouting and Trends
State Farm
Kevin Abramson  picture

Kevin Abramson

Cover Whale
Allison Albrecht picture

Allison Albrecht

Director Sales
11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.50
Keynote address

Entering the next era of digital transformation: creating strategies for success

Parin Kothari picture

Parin Kothari

AVP, Digital Transformation
11.50 - 12.05

Advisory session

Eileen Potter picture

Eileen Potter

VP of Insurance Marketing
Smart Communications
12.05 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Advancements in AI: a new dawn for operations?

  • How can insurers leverage AI to gain a competitive edge?  
  • AI-powered automation: where is the investment worth the reward?  
  • From Machine Learning to AI: taking operational efficiency to the next level 
  • What is the potential of generative AI? In what timeframe?  
  • Feeding the machine: how can insurers create the data infrastructure AI requires?  
  • How is AI adoption reshaping demand for IT skills and talent?  
  • The future of the AI-powered organization: Combining AI, IoT and blockchain
Megan Duty picture

Megan Duty

Puritan Life
Andrew Johnston picture

Andrew Johnston

Global Head of InsurTech
Gallagher Re
Raymond Carlson picture

Raymond Carlson

Sr. Partner, US Insurance Advisory Head
12.30 - 12.45
Keynote address

A data transformation journey: lessons from Pacific Life

Daniel Hermansson picture

Daniel Hermansson

AVP Corporate Strategy
Pacific Life Re
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Optimising operations in the digital age

  • What are the principal areas in which digital technologies can streamline processes?  
  • From claims processing to compliance: unlocking the value of RPA  
  • Transformation in the face of rising costs: what is the potential for plug & play and ‘as-a-service’ models?  
  • Flexible and resilient: responding to the call for agile operating models  
  • Keeping pace with BigTech and disruptors: how can insurers overcome legacy constraints?  
  • Digital twins, data modelling, drones: what efficiencies could emerging technologies bring?  
  • Ensuring ROI: how can insurers maximise value from investment?
Bradley Purnhagen picture

Bradley Purnhagen

Head of Breakthrough Innovation
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Alex Carvalho picture

Alex Carvalho

Distributed Ventures
Chris Sawyer picture

Chris Sawyer

President & CEO
Next Level Solutions
11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.55
Keynote address

Revolutionising product and pricing: the role of connected data

Yaron Ben-Zvi picture

Yaron Ben-Zvi

Chief Operating Officer
Oka – The Carbon Insurance Company
11.50 - 12.10
Fireside chat

Unleashing the power of IoT and telematics in pricing

  • Telematics and the move to behaviour-based pricing: understanding the need for explainability  
  • How can insurers reconcile greater pricing sophistication with transparency?  
  • Will explainability in UBI become a competitive differentiator? Or could too much transparency in pricing give away competitive edge?  
  • How likely are regulators to require XAI as AI advances? 
  • Towards responsible AI in pricing: what steps need to be taken?
John Broadrick picture

John Broadrick

Director Product Development P&C
Michael Sydor picture

Michael Sydor

Former Assistant Director Product Analysis
Liberty Mutual
Larry Baeder picture

Larry Baeder

Data Scientist
12.10 - 12.35
Panel discussion

Insurance reimagined: how is technology supporting the move to wellbeing?

  • From mitigation to prevention: how can insurers make a real difference to customers wellbeing?
  • How can insurers take advantage of real-time data to step up from tracking to influencing behaviour?
  • What are the technology capabilities necessary to deliver personalised wellbeing and risk prevention solutions at scale?
  • What role will insurers play in the wellness ecosystem?
  • Wellbeing-as-a-service: in what timeline will this become the core product?
Amir Abdullah picture

Amir Abdullah

Head of Product
Stephen Mitchley picture

Stephen Mitchley

Chief Strategy Officer
Horacio Herrera-Fajer  picture

Horacio Herrera-Fajer

Head of Life Insurance Partnerships
Dr Christy Lane picture

Dr Christy Lane

12.50 - 13.15
Fireside chat

Pricing 2.0: the next generation of pricing

  • From subscription models to pay-as-you-go: where will customer behaviours take us next? 
  • The rise of value-added services: is price still central to customer retention? 
  • Pricing in an inflationary world: how do pricing models need to adapt? 
  • Softening rates, hard markets: how might pricing agility allow insurers to navigate economic uncertainty? 
  • Maintaining a robust risk pool: how can insurers leverage personalised pricing while protecting the underinsured? 
  • Meeting the challenge of dynamic pricing: what must insurers do to prepare?
Todd Lehmann picture

Todd Lehmann

VP & Chief Actuary
Quincy Mutual
Anthony Delaney picture

Anthony Delaney

EVP - Chief Insurance Officer
First Acceptance Insurance Company

Director of Product Management
11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

The next CX evolution

Grace Hanson picture

Grace Hanson

Chief Claims Officer
Parimal Kumar  picture

Parimal Kumar

VP, Head of Technology
Heather Wilson picture

Heather Wilson

Chief Executive Officer
Clara Analytics
12.00 - 12.15

Advisory session

12.15 - 12.30
Case study

The empathetic resolution model: building a human-centric approach to claims

Greg Hamlin  picture

Greg Hamlin

SVP Chief Claims Officer
Berkley Industrial Comp
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Towards touchless claims: the next step in claims automation

  • What lessons can be learnt from existing examples of STP? 
  • Augmenting analytics to automate complex claims: what are the keys to success? 
  • Assessing the power of new data points: from IoT to satellite tech 
  • What is the role of the claims handler in an automated world?  
  • Challenging assumptions: is the human always more supportive than the digital? 
  • Assessing the power of generative AI: a step-change in AI-powered claims?
Lori Pon picture

Lori Pon

Insurance Thought Leader
Agenda | Insurance Innovators Summit
Gwen Olson picture

Gwen Olson

AVP Enterprise Claims Strategy
American Family Insurance
Daniel Savage  picture

Daniel Savage

Strategic Consultant Claims
Mass Mutual
11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.50
Keynote address

Unveiling the Power of Diversity, Inclusion, and Innovation in Insurance Leadership

11.50 - 12.10

Your people, your future: why generative AI is the ultimate talent investment

Brian Knowles picture

Brian Knowles

US Insurance Lead
Patrice Grant picture

Patrice Grant

Account Director
12.10 - 12.25

Reimagining pet insurance: building a wellness ecosystem

Dylan Whitehead  picture

Dylan Whitehead

Director of Claims
Pumpkin Insurance
12.25 - 12.40
Case study

Meeting the demand of insurance

Nabil Rahman picture

Nabil Rahman

Chief Strategy Officer
Spot Insurance
12.40 - 12.55
Case study

Don’t forget to ask “why”: Unveiling the purpose-driven path in insurance

Tim Attia picture

Tim Attia

Chief Executive Officer
Slice Labs
12.55 - 13.10

Innovating products for Climate Resilience

Kyra Peyton picture

Kyra Peyton

14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Unlocking the power of predict and prevent in flood insurance

Derek Lynch picture

Derek Lynch

Chief Underwriting Officer
reThought Flood
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Optimising IoT: defining a data strategy

  • Coping with scale and storage: how will data management strategies need to adapt to leverage IoT effectively?  
  • IoT analytics: what is the key to converting raw data into actionable insights? 
  • Prescriptive analytics: how can insurers optimise real-time analytics at scale? 
  • Beyond latency issues, cyber risk and transport costs: the power of edge computing  
  • How will edge AI allow insurers to optimise existing IoT networks?  
  • Towards real-time decentralised risk prevention: unlocking the potential of IoT
Levi Stacey picture

Levi Stacey

Product Principal - Telematics
Bipin Chadha  picture

Bipin Chadha

VP of Data Science
15.15 - 15.30

Value-added services for risk prevention

Wendi Bukowitz picture

Wendi Bukowitz

VP, Director of Strategic Innovation
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

Predict and prevent in action: how can risk genuinely be reduced?

  • Moving from Sudheecarrier to risk mitigator: what are the key success criteria?  
  • Overcoming privacy concerns to increase uptake: what might be the catalyst for customers to share their data more freely?  
  • Driving behavioural change: which approaches have been most successful to date?  
  • Incentivising behavioural change through dynamic pricing: when is and isn’t this viable?  
  • Gamification: what makes it effective across different demographics?  
  • Connecting customers with a wider risk prevention ecosystem: what is required?  
  • From home to commercial: where will opportunities for driving proactive risk mitigation emerge moving forward?
Daniel Campany picture

Daniel Campany

VP Innovation
The Hartford
Milena Russo picture

Milena Russo

Innovation Manager
Drew Doleski picture

Drew Doleski

Connected Home Product Strategy Director
Homesite Insurance
14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Asia rising: understanding a sea-change in digital distribution

Theresa Blissing picture

Theresa Blissing

Best Selling Author and Podcast Host
InsurTech in Asia
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Enhancing the broker-insurer relationship

  • Winning broker buy-in: what is the formula for creating enduring partnerships? 
  • What steps need to be taken to facilitate broker-insurer collaboration?   
  • How is consolidation within the broker market impacting expectations of carriers?   
  • Towards quick and responsive communication: what tools are needed? 
  • From seamless APIs to data prefill: noone left behind in the drive to digital
Chris Cargill picture

Chris Cargill

Head of Digital Distribution
Julie Brown picture

Julie Brown

EVP Commercial Insurance
Mobilitas Insurance
Trevor Smith picture

Trevor Smith

SVP of Sharing Economy and Mobility
15.15 - 15.30

Augmented and mixed reality: the next frontier for contextual marketing

Justin Jacobs picture

Justin Jacobs

IMA Financial Group
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

From aggregators to embedded finance to D2C: where next for the channel revolution?

  • Planning a channel strategy: where will customer behaviours go next?  
  • An embedded finance boom? Assessing the global trends  
  • Will the USA ever see the equivalent of Asian superapps? 
  • The rise of insurtech aggregators: are they here to stay?  
  • Going D2C with complex products: what are the hurdles and how can they be overcome?  
  • Creating a frictionless journey across multiple channels: how are new technologies making integrated channels a reality?
Brandon Wienkes picture

Brandon Wienkes

Director, Technical Engineering - Digital Servicing
American Family Insurance
Cristiane Chiacchio picture

Cristiane Chiacchio

Head of Distribution Partnerships
Kate Birtch picture

Kate Birtch

GM of Insurance
Forbes Advisor
14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Generative AI: friend or foe of insurance fraud?

Santhosh Ladalla picture

Santhosh Ladalla

Director of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
CNA Insurance
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Leveraging next-gen data sources in counter-fraud

  • Where are the opportunities to source more, and better quality, data?
  • Combatting deepfakes: how must biometrics and image forensics be leveraged?
  • Holistic customer understanding: assessing the power of behaviometrics in counter fraud
  • Addressing the legal and ethical minefields: where do the boundaries lie?
Patterson Webber picture

Patterson Webber

Director – Fraud Operations
Marta Magnuszewska picture

Marta Magnuszewska

Senior Director (VP) of Claims Analytics
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

Balancing counter-fraud with seamless CX

Jay Patel  picture

Jay Patel

AVP, Corporate Development and Strategic Finance
Fortitude Re
John Norrie picture

John Norrie

Data Scientist Lead
Shift Technology
Ronnie Gammage picture

Ronnie Gammage

Senior Manager Claims Experience
14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Better claims outcomes in workers comp: overcoming the road-blocks to recovery

Sarah Grace  picture

Sarah Grace

Director of Medical Intervention and Strategy
14.50 - 15.05
Keynote address

Approaching Innovation with an Investment Lens

Doug Roerden  picture

Doug Roerden

Head of Experience Design
FM Global
15.05 - 15.20
Case study

Insurance sucks – but it doesn’t have to: revolutionising the buying experience

Rudi Pino picture

Rudi Pino

Founder & CEO
LUNA Insurance
15.20 - 15.35
Case study

Redefining digital distribution: the future of agent interactions

Betsy Stella picture

Betsy Stella

SVP VP Carrier Management & Operations
15.35 - 16.05
Panel discussion

The future of insurtech

  • The Insurtech Winter: how long will it last and just how frosty could it get?
  • Understanding changing investment appetite: which products and models are likely to thrive?
  • From embedded finance to DeFi: where can insurtech lead the way?
  • Unicorn versus camel: how have the routes to profitability shifted?
  • To what extent will we see incumbent insurers taking equity in insurtechs?
  • Reflecting on insurer-startup partnerships: what are the success stories and where does progress still need to be made?
  • Exploring alternative sources and structures of funding: what are the options?
Amir Kabir  picture

Amir Kabir

General Partner
AV8 Ventures
Aidan Madigan-Curtis picture

Aidan Madigan-Curtis

Eclipse Ventures
Craig Schedler  picture

Craig Schedler

Managing Director
Northwestern Mutual Future Ventures
Joseph Guastella picture

Joseph Guastella

Viewpoint Ventures
16.30 - 16.45
Keynote address

Generative AI: fad or future?

Iris Devriese picture

Iris Devriese

AI Liability Lead
Munich Re
16.45 - 17.00

Is digitalization delivering meaningful innovation to the insurance industry?

James Berrocal Sizemore picture

James Berrocal Sizemore

Chief Insurance Strategist
17.00 - 17.30
Fireside chat

Customer engagement in the age of AI

  • How has public access to generative AI changed public opinion around AI-powered interactions?
  • What will advances in AI mean for the future of hyperpersonalisation in marketing and content creation?
  • How can Multimodal AI’s ability to analyze across sound, image and text together transform customer interactions?
  • How can AI interactions be made seamless across multiple channels?
  • Unlocking the power of personalization, upselling and tailored recommendations
Lizzie Kolkowski picture

Lizzie Kolkowski

AVP Innovation
Canal Insurance
John Chu picture

John Chu

Chief Executive Officer
Bamboo Insurance
Andrea Collins picture

Andrea Collins

Chief Marketing Officer
Robert Anderson picture

Robert Anderson

Principal Architect
17.45 - 18.00

Towards responsible AI

  • What will AI capabilities and deployment look like in 2030?
  • Identifying the true risks of a booming technology
  • What is the true intent and direction of AI regulation?
  • What safeguards must be in place to confidently and securely deploy AI including generative AI?
  • AI innovation vs AI risk management: where should the balance lie?
Maria Kokiasmenos  picture

Maria Kokiasmenos

VP, Associate General Counsel
The Hartford
16.30 - 16.50
Keynote address

Connected, embedded, subscribed: navigating the mobility revolution

Bryan Falchuk  picture

Bryan Falchuk

Best Selling Author and Podcast Host, The Future of Insurance
Agenda | Insurance Innovators Summit
17.05 - 17.25
Keynote address

The truth behind telematics: separating fact from fiction in both personal and commercial auto

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
17.25 - 18.00
Panel discussion

Navigating the future of insurance in a new mobility ecosystem

  • From UBI to mobility-as-a-service: keeping pace with post-COVID patterns in mobility
  • Vision Zero: V2X, telematics and the impact on road safety
  • The rise of autonomous vehicles: navigating the risks and grasping the opportunities
  • What are the implications of OEM data ownership?
  • How can insurers position themselves to come out ahead in the OEM partner race?
  • Inside the Inflation Reduction Act: analysing the impact on the mobility ecosystem
  • Electric, hydrogen powered or something else: the future of motor power
Trenholm Palmer picture

Trenholm Palmer

Director of Digital Insurance
Volvo Financial Services
Fred Blumer picture

Fred Blumer

Chief Executive Officer
Porsche Auto Insurance
Al Bagiro picture

Al Bagiro

Chief Executive Officer
Cogo Insurance
09.00 - 09.05

Opening remarks

09.05 - 09.20
Keynote address

Fred Karlinsky picture

Fred Karlinsky

Shareholder and Global Co-Chair, Insurance Regulatory and and Transactions Practice
Greenberg Traurig
09.20 - 09.35
Keynote address

AI Unleashed, Cyber Threats Looming: Strategies to Tackle Emerging Risks

09.35 - 09.50
Keynote address

Insurance in the age of the smart city

Lauren Sorkin picture

Lauren Sorkin

Executive Director
Resilient Cities Network
09.50 - 10.05

Increasing climate resilience through the use of parametric insurance

Jyoti Bontemps picture

Jyoti Bontemps

Director - Core Insurance Transformation
10.05 - 10.40
Leaders' Forum

Connected insurance: grasping a win-win opportunity

  • Reduced risks, narrowing protection gaps: where will connected insurance bring the greatest benefits?
  • Towards ubiquitous connectivity: what will be the impact of 6G and in what timeframe?
  • How can insurers leverage more frequent touchpoints to collect ever deeper customer data?
  • Will incoming data regulation help or hinder the interconnectivity revolution?
  • The generative AI risk advisor: what are the possibilities in customer engagement and data collection?
  • Capitalising on customer insights: what new avenues for monetization will become available?
  • Lower risk, lower premiums: how will business models need to adapt to ensure long-term profitability?
  • In what timeframe, if ever, will predict and prevent become the core product?
Rose Hall picture

Rose Hall

SVP, AXA Digital Commercial Platform
Pete Frey picture

Pete Frey

AVP, Telematics
Great American Insurance Group
Dan Woods picture

Dan Woods

Founder and CEO
11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

The rapid growth of open insurance adoption

11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

Charting the future of embedded insurance

  • OEMs as a driver of embedded auto insurance: what are the implications for insurers?
  • Looking beyond travel and auto: which lines hold the most promise for embedded?
  • From tech to CX: what are potential partners demanding from insurers?
  • Embedding complex products: where are the issues and how can they be overcome?
  • The power of partner data: embedding personalised and relevant products
  • Embedded competition: could embedded aggregators be the future?
Alexander M. Choniski picture

Alexander M. Choniski

Head of Embedded Insurance
Gallagher Re
Akhil Aniff picture

Akhil Aniff

Director Of Business Development
Pattern Insurance
Adam Fischer picture

Adam Fischer

EVP Product and Technology
12.00 - 12.20

Improving CX and generating new revenue streams with embedded insurance: perspectives from a Mobility OEM, Volvo Group

Chuck Gomez picture

Chuck Gomez

General Manager, North America
Trenholm Palmer picture

Trenholm Palmer

Director of Digital Insurance
Volvo Financial Services
12.20 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Maximizing the potential of digital

  • Insurance in an open world: grasping the opportunity
  • Are open APIs the key to collaboration?
  • How must tech stacks evolve to engage with digital ecosystems?
  • Towards standardised APIs: how much progress has been made?
  • What lessons can be drawn from Open Banking?
  • Open insurance: what is the ultimate goal and how can the industry attain it?
Arthur Borden picture

Arthur Borden

Head of Digital Business Systems & Architecture
Everest Insurance
Amir Peivandi picture

Amir Peivandi

Chief Technology Officer
Saskatchewan Blue Cross
11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Insurance in a volatile world: climate change and the necessity of protection

Jennifer Kyung picture

Jennifer Kyung

Chief Underwriting Officer
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

Innovation in a new world

  • Cyber, climate, space: where are opportunities emerging for product innovation?
  • From microinsurance to on-demand offerings: how are models evolving to meet underserved markets?
  • Beyond UBI and parametric models: how is connected data fuelling a new wave of product innovation?
  • Cyber, NatCat, pandemic: what is the potential of parametric in addressing underserved risks?
  • Rethinking approaches to new risks: how are advanced analytics, predictive modelling and real-time data changing the game?
  • Preparing for the unknown: how can products remain resilient in the face of emerging risks?
Kathryn Rudolph  picture

Kathryn Rudolph

Director Product Development
Southern Guaranty Insurance
Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
12.00 - 12.15
Keynote address

Revolutionizing insurance with epigenetic testing

Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
12.20 - 12.55
Panel discussion

The future of underwriting

  • How can underwriters build resilience in the face of inflation and rising costs?
  • How will ML and AI enable greater accuracy and efficiency in the underwriting process?
  • Where are algorithmic approaches useful and where does underwriting still require the human touch?
  • What challenges stand in the way of exploiting automation? How can these be overcome?
  • Bionic underwriting: what are the barriers to effective human-machine collaboration?
  • Cyber, crypto, climate: how can data analytics be optimised to navigate an uncertain risk landscape?
  • What new data sources should be considered to tackle emerging risks?
  • How will underwriting transformation deliver a competitive advantage and market differentiation?
Paige Stiefel picture

Paige Stiefel

Head of USA Operations
Boxx Insurance Inc
Taffy Jo Mayers picture

Taffy Jo Mayers

Chief Commercial Officer
Neuron Digital Trading by WTW

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Aaron Wright  picture

Aaron Wright

Director, Strategy
11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Forging the future of business with AI

Russell Page  picture

Russell Page

Chief Information Officer
11.35 - 11.50

Empowering underwriting excellence: the fusion of modern tech and AI

Mark McGhiey picture

Mark McGhiey

CSP, CFPS, AFIS, Sr. Associate Vice President
Roger Duffield picture

Roger Duffield

CPCU, ARM, SVP and General Manager of Risk Management
iLearning Engines
11.50 - 12.15
Fireside chat

Supercharging analytics

  • What can insurers learn from BigTech data strategies?
  • How can insurers deploy augmented analytics for enhanced insights?
  • How can insurers optimise analytics while remaining compliant with incoming data regulations?
  • Explainable AI: the next step in ethical model validation?
  • Towards real-time analytics: what capabilities are necessary for seamless IoT integration?
Paul Avilez picture

Paul Avilez

VP Data Architecture
CNA Insurance
Kemi Nelson picture

Kemi Nelson

VP Data Products and Strategy
Liberty Mutual
12.15 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Data maturity: making the data dream a reality

  • Overcoming legacy systems: the road to data maturity?
  • Data management: where do the challenges still lie? How can these be overcome?
  • Leveraging cloud: what is the key to doing this securely?
  • Sourcing, cleaning, integrating: what are the keys to success in overcoming data quality issues?
  • Making the most of data: how can this be achieved?
  • Generative AI: a step-change in exploitation of unstructured data?
Parimal Kumar  picture

Parimal Kumar

VP, Head of Technology
Nan Li picture

Nan Li

VP AI/ML Statistical Practices
Rajeev Gupta picture

Rajeev Gupta

Co-founder and Chief Product Officer
11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Cybersecurity: meeting the challenge

Joseph Kamau picture

Joseph Kamau

Chief Information Security Officer
11.50 - 12.15
Fireside chat

Building an architecture fit for the future

  • The road to digital maturity: how far has the industry come and how far is left to go?
  • What strategies must be adopted to avoid spaghetti architecture and shadow IT?
  • How are data security requirements evolving, and how can insurers keep pace?
  • From multi to distributed cloud: how can cloud strategies remain resilient in the face of future risks?
  • Integration and interoperability: what will a truly API-first architecture look like and how can it be achieved?
  • From composable architecture to heterogenous ecosystems: what is the latest frontier in technological architecture?
Chad Sands picture

Chad Sands

IT Leader and Architect
State Farm
Pierre Braganza picture

Pierre Braganza

Chief Enterprise Architect
CNA Insurance
12.15 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Synergizing IT and business strategies in an era of digital transformation

  • The alignment of IT and business strategies: what are the key considerations and how are they evolving?
  • How are insurers maximising the value derived from digital transformation efforts?
  • How should technological change influence business strategy and where do the main opportunities lie?
  • How must IT evolve to facilitate changing business models?
  • Cybersecurity and transformation: driving safe change
Greg Tacchetti picture

Greg Tacchetti

Chief Information and Strategy Officer
State Auto
Justin Gress picture

Justin Gress

Chief Operating Officer - Insurance
Vantage Group Holdings
Tim Lenahan  picture

Tim Lenahan

Executive Strategist
14.10 - 14.15

Opening remarks

14.15 - 14.40
Panel discussion

Trendspotting: where will innovation go next?

  • Assessing the pace of innovation: what will investment trends look like for 2024 and beyond?
  • From OEMs to bigtech: what are the key battlegrounds for insurers competing against new entrants?
  • Sharing, gig and circular economies: what novel insurance needs is the digital revolution producing?
  • Advances in IoT and connected technology: what innovations are emerging as a result?
  • In what ways is insurtech uniquely positioned to enable the next generation of climate innovation?
  • AI, space, cannabis, green energy: what is the relative size of emerging insurance opportunities?
  • Anticipating future insurtech disruption: which areas of insurance will be transformed next?
Dominique Roudaut  picture

Dominique Roudaut

Partner, Innovation
MS&AD Ventures
Robert Cooney picture

Robert Cooney

Senior Managing Director
Lisa Wardlaw picture

Lisa Wardlaw

President & Founder
360 Digital Immersion
Dave Mullen picture

Dave Mullen

SVB Capital
14.40 - 14.55
Case study

James Benham picture

James Benham

The InsurTech Geek Podcast
14.55 - 15.10
Case study

Amplify Life

Hanna Wu  picture

Hanna Wu

Chief Executive Officer
Amplify Life Insurance
15.10 - 15.25
Case study

Navigating the cryptoverse

Eyhab Aejaz picture

Eyhab Aejaz

Chief Executive Officer
Breach Insurance
15.25 - 15.45
Fireside chat

Entering the DARQ age: what are the implications for insurance?

The DARQ technologies are:

  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Reality (Virtual Reality and Extended Reality)
  • Quantum Computing

This Fireside Chat will explore the ways these technologies are and will continue to transform insurance, and the groundbreaking power of the combination of all four.

David Verbeeten picture

David Verbeeten

Chief Commercial Officer
Ash Naik picture

Ash Naik

Head of Auto Insurance Products

Session One

08.50 - 09.00

Opening remarks

Carter Lawrence picture

Carter Lawrence

Commissioner - Commerce & Insurance
Tennessee Government
09.00 - 09.15
Keynote address

Innovating for the future: strategies for success

Rich Suter picture

Rich Suter

Group President
Great American Insurance Group
09.15 - 09.30
Keynote address

Igniting innovation: shaping the future of commercial auto with the flame of AI

Kevin Abramson  picture

Kevin Abramson

Cover Whale
09.30 - 09.45
Keynote address

Does regulation help or hinder innovation? US and Canadian markets – a comparative approach

Celyeste Power picture

Celyeste Power

CEO and President
Insurance Bureau of Canada
09.45 - 10.00

Advisory session

Mark Belak picture

Mark Belak

Account Director
10.00 - 10.15
Keynote address

Prospects for the insurance industry | The view from a rating agency: AM Best

Jim Gillard picture

Jim Gillard

EVP and Chief Operating Officer
AM Best
10.15 - 10.50
Leaders' Forum

Strategic priorities for 2024 and beyond

  • A changing risk landscape: where do the opportunities and challenges lie? 
  • Facing disruption head on: what strategies will be key to succeeding in the age of innovation? 
  • Delivering for the customer: how will the industry need to continue to evolve? 
  • Building a workforce fit for the future 
  • Navigating economic uncertainty: what are the key success factors?   
  • The insurtech promise: a realistic reevaluation 
Donald Lacey picture

Donald Lacey

Chief Investment Officer, Ping An Voyager Partners
Ping An Global Voyager
Kimberly Vaughn  picture

Kimberly Vaughn

VP Claims Experience and Culture
Amerisure Insurance
Marcus Rohlfs picture

Marcus Rohlfs

Director of Scouting and Trends
State Farm
Kevin Abramson  picture

Kevin Abramson

Cover Whale
Allison Albrecht picture

Allison Albrecht

Director Sales

Stage 1 - Operational optimization

11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.50
Keynote address

Entering the next era of digital transformation: creating strategies for success

Parin Kothari picture

Parin Kothari

AVP, Digital Transformation
11.50 - 12.05

Advisory session

Eileen Potter picture

Eileen Potter

VP of Insurance Marketing
Smart Communications
12.05 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Advancements in AI: a new dawn for operations?

  • How can insurers leverage AI to gain a competitive edge?  
  • AI-powered automation: where is the investment worth the reward?  
  • From Machine Learning to AI: taking operational efficiency to the next level 
  • What is the potential of generative AI? In what timeframe?  
  • Feeding the machine: how can insurers create the data infrastructure AI requires?  
  • How is AI adoption reshaping demand for IT skills and talent?  
  • The future of the AI-powered organization: Combining AI, IoT and blockchain
Megan Duty picture

Megan Duty

Puritan Life
Andrew Johnston picture

Andrew Johnston

Global Head of InsurTech
Gallagher Re
Raymond Carlson picture

Raymond Carlson

Sr. Partner, US Insurance Advisory Head
12.30 - 12.45
Keynote address

A data transformation journey: lessons from Pacific Life

Daniel Hermansson picture

Daniel Hermansson

AVP Corporate Strategy
Pacific Life Re
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Optimising operations in the digital age

  • What are the principal areas in which digital technologies can streamline processes?  
  • From claims processing to compliance: unlocking the value of RPA  
  • Transformation in the face of rising costs: what is the potential for plug & play and ‘as-a-service’ models?  
  • Flexible and resilient: responding to the call for agile operating models  
  • Keeping pace with BigTech and disruptors: how can insurers overcome legacy constraints?  
  • Digital twins, data modelling, drones: what efficiencies could emerging technologies bring?  
  • Ensuring ROI: how can insurers maximise value from investment?
Bradley Purnhagen picture

Bradley Purnhagen

Head of Breakthrough Innovation
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Alex Carvalho picture

Alex Carvalho

Distributed Ventures
Chris Sawyer picture

Chris Sawyer

President & CEO
Next Level Solutions

Stage 2 - Product & Pricing

11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.55
Keynote address

Revolutionising product and pricing: the role of connected data

Yaron Ben-Zvi picture

Yaron Ben-Zvi

Chief Operating Officer
Oka – The Carbon Insurance Company
11.50 - 12.10
Fireside chat

Unleashing the power of IoT and telematics in pricing

  • Telematics and the move to behaviour-based pricing: understanding the need for explainability  
  • How can insurers reconcile greater pricing sophistication with transparency?  
  • Will explainability in UBI become a competitive differentiator? Or could too much transparency in pricing give away competitive edge?  
  • How likely are regulators to require XAI as AI advances? 
  • Towards responsible AI in pricing: what steps need to be taken?
John Broadrick picture

John Broadrick

Director Product Development P&C
Michael Sydor picture

Michael Sydor

Former Assistant Director Product Analysis
Liberty Mutual
Larry Baeder picture

Larry Baeder

Data Scientist
12.10 - 12.35
Panel discussion

Insurance reimagined: how is technology supporting the move to wellbeing?

  • From mitigation to prevention: how can insurers make a real difference to customers wellbeing?
  • How can insurers take advantage of real-time data to step up from tracking to influencing behaviour?
  • What are the technology capabilities necessary to deliver personalised wellbeing and risk prevention solutions at scale?
  • What role will insurers play in the wellness ecosystem?
  • Wellbeing-as-a-service: in what timeline will this become the core product?
Amir Abdullah picture

Amir Abdullah

Head of Product
Stephen Mitchley picture

Stephen Mitchley

Chief Strategy Officer
Horacio Herrera-Fajer  picture

Horacio Herrera-Fajer

Head of Life Insurance Partnerships
Dr Christy Lane picture

Dr Christy Lane

12.50 - 13.15
Fireside chat

Pricing 2.0: the next generation of pricing

  • From subscription models to pay-as-you-go: where will customer behaviours take us next? 
  • The rise of value-added services: is price still central to customer retention? 
  • Pricing in an inflationary world: how do pricing models need to adapt? 
  • Softening rates, hard markets: how might pricing agility allow insurers to navigate economic uncertainty? 
  • Maintaining a robust risk pool: how can insurers leverage personalised pricing while protecting the underinsured? 
  • Meeting the challenge of dynamic pricing: what must insurers do to prepare?
Todd Lehmann picture

Todd Lehmann

VP & Chief Actuary
Quincy Mutual
Anthony Delaney picture

Anthony Delaney

EVP - Chief Insurance Officer
First Acceptance Insurance Company

Director of Product Management

Stage 3 - A revolution in claims

11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

The next CX evolution

Grace Hanson picture

Grace Hanson

Chief Claims Officer
Parimal Kumar  picture

Parimal Kumar

VP, Head of Technology
Heather Wilson picture

Heather Wilson

Chief Executive Officer
Clara Analytics
12.00 - 12.15

Advisory session

12.15 - 12.30
Case study

The empathetic resolution model: building a human-centric approach to claims

Greg Hamlin  picture

Greg Hamlin

SVP Chief Claims Officer
Berkley Industrial Comp
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Towards touchless claims: the next step in claims automation

  • What lessons can be learnt from existing examples of STP? 
  • Augmenting analytics to automate complex claims: what are the keys to success? 
  • Assessing the power of new data points: from IoT to satellite tech 
  • What is the role of the claims handler in an automated world?  
  • Challenging assumptions: is the human always more supportive than the digital? 
  • Assessing the power of generative AI: a step-change in AI-powered claims?
Lori Pon picture

Lori Pon

Insurance Thought Leader
Agenda | Insurance Innovators Summit
Gwen Olson picture

Gwen Olson

AVP Enterprise Claims Strategy
American Family Insurance
Daniel Savage  picture

Daniel Savage

Strategic Consultant Claims
Mass Mutual

Stage 4 - The Innovation Lab

11.30 - 11.35

Opening remarks

11.35 - 11.50
Keynote address

Unveiling the Power of Diversity, Inclusion, and Innovation in Insurance Leadership

11.50 - 12.10

Your people, your future: why generative AI is the ultimate talent investment

Brian Knowles picture

Brian Knowles

US Insurance Lead
Patrice Grant picture

Patrice Grant

Account Director
12.10 - 12.25

Reimagining pet insurance: building a wellness ecosystem

Dylan Whitehead  picture

Dylan Whitehead

Director of Claims
Pumpkin Insurance
12.25 - 12.40
Case study

Meeting the demand of insurance

Nabil Rahman picture

Nabil Rahman

Chief Strategy Officer
Spot Insurance
12.40 - 12.55
Case study

Don’t forget to ask “why”: Unveiling the purpose-driven path in insurance

Tim Attia picture

Tim Attia

Chief Executive Officer
Slice Labs
12.55 - 13.10

Innovating products for Climate Resilience

Kyra Peyton picture

Kyra Peyton


Stage 1 - Making predict and prevent a reality

14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Unlocking the power of predict and prevent in flood insurance

Derek Lynch picture

Derek Lynch

Chief Underwriting Officer
reThought Flood
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Optimising IoT: defining a data strategy

  • Coping with scale and storage: how will data management strategies need to adapt to leverage IoT effectively?  
  • IoT analytics: what is the key to converting raw data into actionable insights? 
  • Prescriptive analytics: how can insurers optimise real-time analytics at scale? 
  • Beyond latency issues, cyber risk and transport costs: the power of edge computing  
  • How will edge AI allow insurers to optimise existing IoT networks?  
  • Towards real-time decentralised risk prevention: unlocking the potential of IoT
Levi Stacey picture

Levi Stacey

Product Principal - Telematics
Bipin Chadha  picture

Bipin Chadha

VP of Data Science
15.15 - 15.30

Value-added services for risk prevention

Wendi Bukowitz picture

Wendi Bukowitz

VP, Director of Strategic Innovation
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

Predict and prevent in action: how can risk genuinely be reduced?

  • Moving from Sudheecarrier to risk mitigator: what are the key success criteria?  
  • Overcoming privacy concerns to increase uptake: what might be the catalyst for customers to share their data more freely?  
  • Driving behavioural change: which approaches have been most successful to date?  
  • Incentivising behavioural change through dynamic pricing: when is and isn’t this viable?  
  • Gamification: what makes it effective across different demographics?  
  • Connecting customers with a wider risk prevention ecosystem: what is required?  
  • From home to commercial: where will opportunities for driving proactive risk mitigation emerge moving forward?
Daniel Campany picture

Daniel Campany

VP Innovation
The Hartford
Milena Russo picture

Milena Russo

Innovation Manager
Drew Doleski picture

Drew Doleski

Connected Home Product Strategy Director
Homesite Insurance

Stage 2 - The changing face of distribution

14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Asia rising: understanding a sea-change in digital distribution

Theresa Blissing picture

Theresa Blissing

Best Selling Author and Podcast Host
InsurTech in Asia
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Enhancing the broker-insurer relationship

  • Winning broker buy-in: what is the formula for creating enduring partnerships? 
  • What steps need to be taken to facilitate broker-insurer collaboration?   
  • How is consolidation within the broker market impacting expectations of carriers?   
  • Towards quick and responsive communication: what tools are needed? 
  • From seamless APIs to data prefill: noone left behind in the drive to digital
Chris Cargill picture

Chris Cargill

Head of Digital Distribution
Julie Brown picture

Julie Brown

EVP Commercial Insurance
Mobilitas Insurance
Trevor Smith picture

Trevor Smith

SVP of Sharing Economy and Mobility
15.15 - 15.30

Augmented and mixed reality: the next frontier for contextual marketing

Justin Jacobs picture

Justin Jacobs

IMA Financial Group
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

From aggregators to embedded finance to D2C: where next for the channel revolution?

  • Planning a channel strategy: where will customer behaviours go next?  
  • An embedded finance boom? Assessing the global trends  
  • Will the USA ever see the equivalent of Asian superapps? 
  • The rise of insurtech aggregators: are they here to stay?  
  • Going D2C with complex products: what are the hurdles and how can they be overcome?  
  • Creating a frictionless journey across multiple channels: how are new technologies making integrated channels a reality?
Brandon Wienkes picture

Brandon Wienkes

Director, Technical Engineering - Digital Servicing
American Family Insurance
Cristiane Chiacchio picture

Cristiane Chiacchio

Head of Distribution Partnerships
Kate Birtch picture

Kate Birtch

GM of Insurance
Forbes Advisor

Stage 3 - Fighting digital fraud

14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Generative AI: friend or foe of insurance fraud?

Santhosh Ladalla picture

Santhosh Ladalla

Director of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
CNA Insurance
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Leveraging next-gen data sources in counter-fraud

  • Where are the opportunities to source more, and better quality, data?
  • Combatting deepfakes: how must biometrics and image forensics be leveraged?
  • Holistic customer understanding: assessing the power of behaviometrics in counter fraud
  • Addressing the legal and ethical minefields: where do the boundaries lie?
Patterson Webber picture

Patterson Webber

Director – Fraud Operations
Marta Magnuszewska picture

Marta Magnuszewska

Senior Director (VP) of Claims Analytics
15.30 - 16.00
Panel discussion

Balancing counter-fraud with seamless CX

Jay Patel  picture

Jay Patel

AVP, Corporate Development and Strategic Finance
Fortitude Re
John Norrie picture

John Norrie

Data Scientist Lead
Shift Technology
Ronnie Gammage picture

Ronnie Gammage

Senior Manager Claims Experience

Stage 4 - The Innovation Lab

14.30 - 14.35

Opening remarks

14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Better claims outcomes in workers comp: overcoming the road-blocks to recovery

Sarah Grace  picture

Sarah Grace

Director of Medical Intervention and Strategy
14.50 - 15.05
Keynote address

Approaching Innovation with an Investment Lens

Doug Roerden  picture

Doug Roerden

Head of Experience Design
FM Global
15.05 - 15.20
Case study

Insurance sucks – but it doesn’t have to: revolutionising the buying experience

Rudi Pino picture

Rudi Pino

Founder & CEO
LUNA Insurance
15.20 - 15.35
Case study

Redefining digital distribution: the future of agent interactions

Betsy Stella picture

Betsy Stella

SVP VP Carrier Management & Operations
15.35 - 16.05
Panel discussion

The future of insurtech

  • The Insurtech Winter: how long will it last and just how frosty could it get?
  • Understanding changing investment appetite: which products and models are likely to thrive?
  • From embedded finance to DeFi: where can insurtech lead the way?
  • Unicorn versus camel: how have the routes to profitability shifted?
  • To what extent will we see incumbent insurers taking equity in insurtechs?
  • Reflecting on insurer-startup partnerships: what are the success stories and where does progress still need to be made?
  • Exploring alternative sources and structures of funding: what are the options?
Amir Kabir  picture

Amir Kabir

General Partner
AV8 Ventures
Aidan Madigan-Curtis picture

Aidan Madigan-Curtis

Eclipse Ventures
Craig Schedler  picture

Craig Schedler

Managing Director
Northwestern Mutual Future Ventures
Joseph Guastella picture

Joseph Guastella

Viewpoint Ventures

Stage 1 - Next-gen AI

16.30 - 16.45
Keynote address

Generative AI: fad or future?

Iris Devriese picture

Iris Devriese

AI Liability Lead
Munich Re
16.45 - 17.00

Is digitalization delivering meaningful innovation to the insurance industry?

James Berrocal Sizemore picture

James Berrocal Sizemore

Chief Insurance Strategist
17.00 - 17.30
Fireside chat

Customer engagement in the age of AI

  • How has public access to generative AI changed public opinion around AI-powered interactions?
  • What will advances in AI mean for the future of hyperpersonalisation in marketing and content creation?
  • How can Multimodal AI’s ability to analyze across sound, image and text together transform customer interactions?
  • How can AI interactions be made seamless across multiple channels?
  • Unlocking the power of personalization, upselling and tailored recommendations
Lizzie Kolkowski picture

Lizzie Kolkowski

AVP Innovation
Canal Insurance
John Chu picture

John Chu

Chief Executive Officer
Bamboo Insurance
Andrea Collins picture

Andrea Collins

Chief Marketing Officer
Robert Anderson picture

Robert Anderson

Principal Architect
17.45 - 18.00

Towards responsible AI

  • What will AI capabilities and deployment look like in 2030?
  • Identifying the true risks of a booming technology
  • What is the true intent and direction of AI regulation?
  • What safeguards must be in place to confidently and securely deploy AI including generative AI?
  • AI innovation vs AI risk management: where should the balance lie?
Maria Kokiasmenos  picture

Maria Kokiasmenos

VP, Associate General Counsel
The Hartford

Stage 2 - The future of auto insurance

16.30 - 16.50
Keynote address

Connected, embedded, subscribed: navigating the mobility revolution

Bryan Falchuk  picture

Bryan Falchuk

Best Selling Author and Podcast Host, The Future of Insurance
Agenda | Insurance Innovators Summit
17.05 - 17.25
Keynote address

The truth behind telematics: separating fact from fiction in both personal and commercial auto

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
17.25 - 18.00
Panel discussion

Navigating the future of insurance in a new mobility ecosystem

  • From UBI to mobility-as-a-service: keeping pace with post-COVID patterns in mobility
  • Vision Zero: V2X, telematics and the impact on road safety
  • The rise of autonomous vehicles: navigating the risks and grasping the opportunities
  • What are the implications of OEM data ownership?
  • How can insurers position themselves to come out ahead in the OEM partner race?
  • Inside the Inflation Reduction Act: analysing the impact on the mobility ecosystem
  • Electric, hydrogen powered or something else: the future of motor power
Trenholm Palmer picture

Trenholm Palmer

Director of Digital Insurance
Volvo Financial Services
Fred Blumer picture

Fred Blumer

Chief Executive Officer
Porsche Auto Insurance
Al Bagiro picture

Al Bagiro

Chief Executive Officer
Cogo Insurance

Session Five

09.00 - 09.05

Opening remarks

09.05 - 09.20
Keynote address

Fred Karlinsky picture

Fred Karlinsky

Shareholder and Global Co-Chair, Insurance Regulatory and and Transactions Practice
Greenberg Traurig
09.20 - 09.35
Keynote address

AI Unleashed, Cyber Threats Looming: Strategies to Tackle Emerging Risks

09.35 - 09.50
Keynote address

Insurance in the age of the smart city

Lauren Sorkin picture

Lauren Sorkin

Executive Director
Resilient Cities Network
09.50 - 10.05

Increasing climate resilience through the use of parametric insurance

Jyoti Bontemps picture

Jyoti Bontemps

Director - Core Insurance Transformation
10.05 - 10.40
Leaders' Forum

Connected insurance: grasping a win-win opportunity

  • Reduced risks, narrowing protection gaps: where will connected insurance bring the greatest benefits?
  • Towards ubiquitous connectivity: what will be the impact of 6G and in what timeframe?
  • How can insurers leverage more frequent touchpoints to collect ever deeper customer data?
  • Will incoming data regulation help or hinder the interconnectivity revolution?
  • The generative AI risk advisor: what are the possibilities in customer engagement and data collection?
  • Capitalising on customer insights: what new avenues for monetization will become available?
  • Lower risk, lower premiums: how will business models need to adapt to ensure long-term profitability?
  • In what timeframe, if ever, will predict and prevent become the core product?
Rose Hall picture

Rose Hall

SVP, AXA Digital Commercial Platform
Pete Frey picture

Pete Frey

AVP, Telematics
Great American Insurance Group
Dan Woods picture

Dan Woods

Founder and CEO

Stage 1 - The Future of Distribution

11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

The rapid growth of open insurance adoption

11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

Charting the future of embedded insurance

  • OEMs as a driver of embedded auto insurance: what are the implications for insurers?
  • Looking beyond travel and auto: which lines hold the most promise for embedded?
  • From tech to CX: what are potential partners demanding from insurers?
  • Embedding complex products: where are the issues and how can they be overcome?
  • The power of partner data: embedding personalised and relevant products
  • Embedded competition: could embedded aggregators be the future?
Alexander M. Choniski picture

Alexander M. Choniski

Head of Embedded Insurance
Gallagher Re
Akhil Aniff picture

Akhil Aniff

Director Of Business Development
Pattern Insurance
Adam Fischer picture

Adam Fischer

EVP Product and Technology
12.00 - 12.20

Improving CX and generating new revenue streams with embedded insurance: perspectives from a Mobility OEM, Volvo Group

Chuck Gomez picture

Chuck Gomez

General Manager, North America
Trenholm Palmer picture

Trenholm Palmer

Director of Digital Insurance
Volvo Financial Services
12.20 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Maximizing the potential of digital

  • Insurance in an open world: grasping the opportunity
  • Are open APIs the key to collaboration?
  • How must tech stacks evolve to engage with digital ecosystems?
  • Towards standardised APIs: how much progress has been made?
  • What lessons can be drawn from Open Banking?
  • Open insurance: what is the ultimate goal and how can the industry attain it?
Arthur Borden picture

Arthur Borden

Head of Digital Business Systems & Architecture
Everest Insurance
Amir Peivandi picture

Amir Peivandi

Chief Technology Officer
Saskatchewan Blue Cross

Stage 2 - Underwriting in uncertain times

11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Insurance in a volatile world: climate change and the necessity of protection

Jennifer Kyung picture

Jennifer Kyung

Chief Underwriting Officer
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

Innovation in a new world

  • Cyber, climate, space: where are opportunities emerging for product innovation?
  • From microinsurance to on-demand offerings: how are models evolving to meet underserved markets?
  • Beyond UBI and parametric models: how is connected data fuelling a new wave of product innovation?
  • Cyber, NatCat, pandemic: what is the potential of parametric in addressing underserved risks?
  • Rethinking approaches to new risks: how are advanced analytics, predictive modelling and real-time data changing the game?
  • Preparing for the unknown: how can products remain resilient in the face of emerging risks?
Kathryn Rudolph  picture

Kathryn Rudolph

Director Product Development
Southern Guaranty Insurance
Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
12.00 - 12.15
Keynote address

Revolutionizing insurance with epigenetic testing

Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
12.20 - 12.55
Panel discussion

The future of underwriting

  • How can underwriters build resilience in the face of inflation and rising costs?
  • How will ML and AI enable greater accuracy and efficiency in the underwriting process?
  • Where are algorithmic approaches useful and where does underwriting still require the human touch?
  • What challenges stand in the way of exploiting automation? How can these be overcome?
  • Bionic underwriting: what are the barriers to effective human-machine collaboration?
  • Cyber, crypto, climate: how can data analytics be optimised to navigate an uncertain risk landscape?
  • What new data sources should be considered to tackle emerging risks?
  • How will underwriting transformation deliver a competitive advantage and market differentiation?
Paige Stiefel picture

Paige Stiefel

Head of USA Operations
Boxx Insurance Inc
Taffy Jo Mayers picture

Taffy Jo Mayers

Chief Commercial Officer
Neuron Digital Trading by WTW

Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Aaron Wright  picture

Aaron Wright

Director, Strategy

Stage 3 - Data and analytics

11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Forging the future of business with AI

Russell Page  picture

Russell Page

Chief Information Officer
11.35 - 11.50

Empowering underwriting excellence: the fusion of modern tech and AI

Mark McGhiey picture

Mark McGhiey

CSP, CFPS, AFIS, Sr. Associate Vice President
Roger Duffield picture

Roger Duffield

CPCU, ARM, SVP and General Manager of Risk Management
iLearning Engines
11.50 - 12.15
Fireside chat

Supercharging analytics

  • What can insurers learn from BigTech data strategies?
  • How can insurers deploy augmented analytics for enhanced insights?
  • How can insurers optimise analytics while remaining compliant with incoming data regulations?
  • Explainable AI: the next step in ethical model validation?
  • Towards real-time analytics: what capabilities are necessary for seamless IoT integration?
Paul Avilez picture

Paul Avilez

VP Data Architecture
CNA Insurance
Kemi Nelson picture

Kemi Nelson

VP Data Products and Strategy
Liberty Mutual
12.15 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Data maturity: making the data dream a reality

  • Overcoming legacy systems: the road to data maturity?
  • Data management: where do the challenges still lie? How can these be overcome?
  • Leveraging cloud: what is the key to doing this securely?
  • Sourcing, cleaning, integrating: what are the keys to success in overcoming data quality issues?
  • Making the most of data: how can this be achieved?
  • Generative AI: a step-change in exploitation of unstructured data?
Parimal Kumar  picture

Parimal Kumar

VP, Head of Technology
Nan Li picture

Nan Li

VP AI/ML Statistical Practices
Rajeev Gupta picture

Rajeev Gupta

Co-founder and Chief Product Officer

Stage 4 - The CIO forum

11.20 - 11.35
Keynote address

Cybersecurity: meeting the challenge

Joseph Kamau picture

Joseph Kamau

Chief Information Security Officer
11.50 - 12.15
Fireside chat

Building an architecture fit for the future

  • The road to digital maturity: how far has the industry come and how far is left to go?
  • What strategies must be adopted to avoid spaghetti architecture and shadow IT?
  • How are data security requirements evolving, and how can insurers keep pace?
  • From multi to distributed cloud: how can cloud strategies remain resilient in the face of future risks?
  • Integration and interoperability: what will a truly API-first architecture look like and how can it be achieved?
  • From composable architecture to heterogenous ecosystems: what is the latest frontier in technological architecture?
Chad Sands picture

Chad Sands

IT Leader and Architect
State Farm
Pierre Braganza picture

Pierre Braganza

Chief Enterprise Architect
CNA Insurance
12.15 - 12.55
Panel discussion

Synergizing IT and business strategies in an era of digital transformation

  • The alignment of IT and business strategies: what are the key considerations and how are they evolving?
  • How are insurers maximising the value derived from digital transformation efforts?
  • How should technological change influence business strategy and where do the main opportunities lie?
  • How must IT evolve to facilitate changing business models?
  • Cybersecurity and transformation: driving safe change
Greg Tacchetti picture

Greg Tacchetti

Chief Information and Strategy Officer
State Auto
Justin Gress picture

Justin Gress

Chief Operating Officer - Insurance
Vantage Group Holdings
Tim Lenahan  picture

Tim Lenahan

Executive Strategist

Session Seven

14.10 - 14.15

Opening remarks

14.15 - 14.40
Panel discussion

Trendspotting: where will innovation go next?

  • Assessing the pace of innovation: what will investment trends look like for 2024 and beyond?
  • From OEMs to bigtech: what are the key battlegrounds for insurers competing against new entrants?
  • Sharing, gig and circular economies: what novel insurance needs is the digital revolution producing?
  • Advances in IoT and connected technology: what innovations are emerging as a result?
  • In what ways is insurtech uniquely positioned to enable the next generation of climate innovation?
  • AI, space, cannabis, green energy: what is the relative size of emerging insurance opportunities?
  • Anticipating future insurtech disruption: which areas of insurance will be transformed next?
Dominique Roudaut  picture

Dominique Roudaut

Partner, Innovation
MS&AD Ventures
Robert Cooney picture

Robert Cooney

Senior Managing Director
Lisa Wardlaw picture

Lisa Wardlaw

President & Founder
360 Digital Immersion
Dave Mullen picture

Dave Mullen

SVB Capital
14.40 - 14.55
Case study

James Benham picture

James Benham

The InsurTech Geek Podcast
14.55 - 15.10
Case study

Amplify Life

Hanna Wu  picture

Hanna Wu

Chief Executive Officer
Amplify Life Insurance
15.10 - 15.25
Case study

Navigating the cryptoverse

Eyhab Aejaz picture

Eyhab Aejaz

Chief Executive Officer
Breach Insurance
15.25 - 15.45
Fireside chat

Entering the DARQ age: what are the implications for insurance?

The DARQ technologies are:

  • Distributed Ledger Technology
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Reality (Virtual Reality and Extended Reality)
  • Quantum Computing

This Fireside Chat will explore the ways these technologies are and will continue to transform insurance, and the groundbreaking power of the combination of all four.

David Verbeeten picture

David Verbeeten

Chief Commercial Officer
Ash Naik picture

Ash Naik

Head of Auto Insurance Products

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