Insurance Innovators Summit logo


Explore the comprehensive agenda featuring keynote presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Stay ahead of the curve with insights from insurance industry leaders and innovators.

09.05 - 09.10

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
09.10 - 09.25

Defining the priorities for 2025 and beyond

Alison Martin picture

Alison Martin

CEO EMEA & Bank Distribution
09.25 - 09.40
Keynote address

Next-generation insurance: leveraging the power of technology

David McMillan  picture

David McMillan

09.40 - 09.55
Keynote address

Unlocking the power of AI in insurance

Mark Klein picture

Mark Klein

Group Chief Digital Officer
09.55 - 10.15

Navigating the future: Signals through the noise

Glynn Austen-Brown picture

Glynn Austen-Brown

Mohammad Khan picture

Mohammad Khan

Partner and General Insurance Leader
10.15 - 10.45
Leaders' Forum

Building a roadmap for the future

  • Instability is the new normal: how must business strategies adapt?   
  • Combining margin protection and topline growth: what are the potential solutions?  
  • The future of the hard market: what are the trends in capacity and what do they mean for strategy? 
  • M&A and divestments: what can we expect in 2024 and where do the synergy opportunities lie? 
  • Demographic change: what does it mean for insurers and how should they adapt? 
  • The personal lines business model: is it due for a radical rethink? What does this look like? 
  • Facilitating economic growth: how can insurers de-risk innovation and entrepreneurialism? 
Jason Storah picture

Jason Storah

CEO, UK & Ireland General Insurance
Tara Foley picture

Tara Foley

Simon Wilson picture

Simon Wilson

Mark Broadhurst picture

Mark Broadhurst

Managing Director Insurance, UK & Europe
DXC Technology
11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

An architecture for the open world

  • How can insurers match the agility of new digital entrants? 
  • Looking to Open Banking: what key lessons can be drawn from banks leading the way?  
  • Industry-wide API standards: how much progress has been made?  
  • APIs, and business and product architecture: how are new revenue streams being opened up? 
Gonçalo Lages de Carvalho picture

Gonçalo Lages de Carvalho

Chief Technology Officer Europe
Yanna Winter picture

Yanna Winter

Chief Information Officer
Kaveh Rahnejat picture

Kaveh Rahnejat

12.00 - 12.20

GTFO: Get The Friction Out of Customer Engagement 

How to deliver seamless, engaging experiences that keep your customers (and your CFO) happy   

Ben Ruddle picture

Ben Ruddle

Strategy Lead
Publicis Sapient
Herman Van Volsem picture

Herman Van Volsem

Principal Architect for Digital
12.20 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Strategies for customer engagement: insurance in a world of ecosystems

  • Understanding the future of ecosystems in Europe: will we see super apps advance beyond Asia? 
  • Is it feasible to design a long-term ecosystem strategy?  
  • The insurer as intermediated capacity provider: is this the future of the insurer in an ecosystem world? 
  • A partner for life: are value-added services the key to navigating the intermediation threat? 
  • Towards more frequent engagement with customers: how will insurers need to prepare? 
  • Embed or orchestrate: should insurers aim to enter or create ecosystems? 
  • Amazon-ification: how can insurers keep pace with changing customer and partner expectations?  
Dr Clemens Dietrich picture

Dr Clemens Dietrich

Head of BMP Product & Process Harmonization
Allianz Direct
Evangelos Avramakis  picture

Evangelos Avramakis

Lead Foresight, Insights & Development
Swiss Re
Charles Clarke picture

Charles Clarke

Group Vice President
11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Matt Gilham picture

Matt Gilham

WHITELK Fraud Performance Consulting
11.35 - 11.50
Case study

Allianz | Addressing the challenges to data maturity

Andreas Wilhelm picture

Andreas Wilhelm

Lead Project Unique Customer View
11.50 - 12.10

Transformation in Insurance

Anthony Chan picture

Anthony Chan

Solutions Architect
12.10 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Getting data right: defining your strategies

  • Evolving data management technologies: how can the potential best be unlocked?  
  • Customer Data Management: busting siloes to unlock true customer-centricity  
  • Propagating a culture of data appreciation: from the board to the frontline employees 
  • A team effort: how can all employees be made to take responsibility for data quality?  
  • From connected devices to data brokerages: where will future data opportunities lie?  
  • How is the data ecosystem and data sharing set to evolve and how should insurers respond? 
Ian Wrigglesworth picture

Ian Wrigglesworth

UK Chief Technology Officer
David Dawkins picture

David Dawkins

Director Technical Sales, Global Industries, EMEA
Iron Mountain
12.30 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Feeding the machine: optimising data strategy for AI

  • Optimising AI: where are the key data hurdles?  
  • How must data collection strategies evolve to maximise results from AI?  
  • Synthetic data: assessing the possibilities and challenges 
  • The computation imperative: how can cloud providers be selected to maximise efficiency and ROI?  
  • Using the right data: how can data management mitigate AI bias risks?  
  • Tapping a goldmine? How can unstructured data be leveraged for new insights? 

Grégoire Caro

Data Science Director
Swiss Re
Tom Spencer picture

Tom Spencer

Director of Customer Data Sciences
Prathiba Krishna picture

Prathiba Krishna

AI & Ethics Lead
Marta Magnuszewska picture

Marta Magnuszewska

MSC, Senior Director of Claims Analytics
11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski picture

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski

AI Expert
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

The future of claims automation: optimal, hybrid processes

  • Finding the maximum ROI from automation: defining a strategy  
  • To what extent are low- and no-touch claims the future across different lines?   
  • Bringing claims handlers aboard the AI train: upskilling and training 
  • How is AI-powered triaging facilitating the involvement of the human at the right time in the right place? 
  • Emotion AI-powered digital claims: could this become the best claims experience for some customers? 
Jeremy Trott picture

Jeremy Trott

Claims Director
Ecclesiastical Insurance
Emma Mills  picture

Emma Mills

Global Head of Insurance Segment
12.00 - 12.20

Stop using yesterday's solutions to solve today's problems

Manjit Rana picture

Manjit Rana

Executive Vice President - UK, EMEA & APAC
12.20 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Unlocking AI-powered claims

  • Driving greater speed in claims: strategies for success 
  • How do processes need to evolve to capitalise on the power of AI?   
  • Where is generative AI being effectively implemented in claims? And where next? 
  • AI in complex claims: is straight-through processing a possibility?  
  • AI and IoT: how can the two be combined to expediate claims journeys?  
  • What lies ahead for the future of AI- powered claims?
Julijana Sumner picture

Julijana Sumner

Chief Claims Officer, APAC & Europe
Tracy Bradbury picture

Tracy Bradbury

Head of Claims Insights, Change & Risk
NFU Mutual
Lucy Costin picture

Lucy Costin

Head of Claims Operations
Sompo International
Chris Bloomfield picture

Chris Bloomfield

Senior Director, Sales Engineering
11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
11.35 - 11.50
Case study

Urban Jungle | Moving beyond insurance

Jimmy Williams picture

Jimmy Williams

Co-founder & CEO
Urban Jungle
11.50 - 12.10

Customer Engagement: The Driving Force Behind Insurance Innovation

David Morse picture

David Morse

Chief Customer & Commercial Officer
Cambridge Mobile Telematics
12.10 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Moving beyond insurance: the future of value-added services

  • Beyond loss mitigation: where would customers welcome greater insurer intervention in their lives?  
  • A significant revenue stream? Assessing the commercial potential of value-added services 
  • From data to insights to actions: understanding the data requirements 
  • Countering rising prices: could effective and engaging value-added services help to bring down premiums?   
  • Using services to sell insurance: a distribution approach of the future?  
  • Addressing exclusionary personalised pricing: to what extent are value-added services the solution?  
Jonathan Salter picture

Jonathan Salter

Head of Risk Consulting
Elliot Gradwell picture

Elliot Gradwell

Commercial Director
12.30 - 13.00
Panel discussion

The developing insurance proposition

  • Are insurers keeping pace with changing customer product demands?  
  • Are factors beyond price becoming determinative for customers? Which ones?  
  • Enabling proposition agility: how do IT systems need to adapt?  
  • How can products be modularised to allow for more personalised offerings? 
  • From subscriptions to UBI: assessing the potential of emerging product types 
  • Cross-lines connected policies: the insurer as a life partner  
Václav Geletič picture

Václav Geletič

Head of Product Management
Dr Magdalena Ramada Sarasola picture

Dr Magdalena Ramada Sarasola

Senior Director, Insurtech Innovation Leader
11.30 - 11.35

Welcome from EY

Alistair Brannan picture

Alistair Brannan

UK Life and Penisons Leader

Samarth Shekhar

Regional Manager EMEA
SixThirty Ventures
11.35 - 11.55
Keynote address

Building an insurer fit for the future of life

Mark Till  picture

Mark Till

11.55 - 12.15

Reimagining life and pensions: innovating to meet evolving customer expectations

Jill Hitchen

Partner, Technology Consulting, UK Financial Services
12.15 - 12.30
Keynote address

The future of protection

Mark Hussein picture

Mark Hussein

HSBC UK CEO of HSBC Life and Head of UK Insurance
12.30 - 13.00
Leaders' Forum

Assessing the future of life and health

  • Increasing regulatory scrutiny: what does it really mean to deliver value for the customer? 
  • From falling interest rates to new entrants: how can insurers navigate an unstable market?  
  • Balancing cost optimisation, innovation, and topline growth: where should priorities lie?   
  • Are insurers doing enough to engage the customer of the future?  
  • Surfing the ‘silver tsunami’: how must insurers prepare?  
  • The policy background: how can public and private interests best be aligned and served?  
  • Life and wellness in 2030: is the role of the insurer up for a radical rethink? 
Louise Colley picture

Louise Colley

Director of Protection
Rose St Louis  picture

Rose St Louis

Protection Director
Lloyds Banking Group
Mark Hussein picture

Mark Hussein

HSBC UK CEO of HSBC Life and Head of UK Insurance
14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
14.20 - 14.35
Keynote address

The Future is Embedded: Leveraging Technology and Ecosystems for Success

Philippe Knepfler picture

Philippe Knepfler

Chief Innovation Officer, Head of Business Development
Covéa Affinity
14.35 - 14.55

A Transformation Tale: Two Journeys, One Destination

Rory Yates picture

Rory Yates

Chief Strategy Officer
Stacey Hines picture

Stacey Hines

Chief Technology Officer
Rob Stanton picture

Rob Stanton

Head of Data & Chief Architect
esure group
14.55 - 15.10
Case study

The secrets of successful embedded insurance partnerships

Eugenio Molina Bellido picture

Eugenio Molina Bellido

Senior Commercial Director
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Capitalising on the embedded opportunity

  • Moving beyond P&C: will embedded insurance take off in other lines? In what timeframe?  
  • Understanding the customer(s): balancing the requirements of the partner and the end customer 
  • Meeting the tech challenge: how do insurers need to prepare? 
  • Tailored offerings: what needs to happen to develop personalised embedded products?  
  • Will we see embedded aggregators? And how would this affect the market?
Philippe Knepfler picture

Philippe Knepfler

Chief Innovation Officer, Head of Business Development
Covéa Affinity
Gonzalo Rodriguez picture

Gonzalo Rodriguez

Head of Group B2B2C Partnerships
Phil J. Hobson picture

Phil J. Hobson

Head of International Affinity
Dan Woods picture

Dan Woods

Founder and CEO
14.15 - 14.30
Keynote address

Generative AI in insurance

Paul Hollands picture

Paul Hollands

Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Emanuele Colonnella picture

Emanuele Colonnella

Innovation Lead
14.30 - 14.45
Keynote address

Transforming customer service with conversational AI

Nicolas Konnerth  picture

Nicolas Konnerth

Head of Conversational AI
14.45 - 15.05


Chief Executive Officer
Indico Data
15.05 - 15.25
Fireside chat

AI-driven analytics: unlocking the potential

  • From fraud to risk management: where have AI-driven analytics shown the greatest return so far?  
  • Where have third-party data sources had the biggest impact? How will this develop in future?  
  • Realising real-time analytics: what are the keys to success?  
  • Avoiding bias: how can insurers make sure to maintain ethical standards?  
  • How are increasing pressures for explainable AI impacting development?  
  • Quantum computing: is this the next step in analytics sophistication?   
Danny Hoskin picture

Danny Hoskin

Principal Data Scientist for Artificial Intelligence
Will Ross  picture

Will Ross

CEO and Co-Founder
15.25 - 15.55
Panel discussion

Building a roadmap to a truly AI-powered organisation

  • What more needs to be done to fully align AI innovation with business goals?   
  • Moving beyond the lab: achieving true scale with AI  
  • Cultural resistance: helping staff through disruption 
  • Democratisation of knowledge: how must the role of frontline employees change in an AI-powered organisation? 
  • Ethical AI: what controls need to be in place to ensure fair and equitable AI outcomes?  
  • What is the timeline for AI unlocking completely new and innovative business models?  
Frederic Crecco picture

Frederic Crecco

Director | Group Applied Technology
Chris Pearce picture

Chris Pearce

Chief Data Officer

Luke Vevers

Vice President
Gareth Edwards picture

Gareth Edwards

Technical Director
14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski picture

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski

AI Expert
14.20 - 14.50
Panel discussion

Addressing supply chain issues: what more can be done?

  • Augmenting analytics: leveraging data for better visibility of resources   
  • What steps do insurers and suppliers need to take to optimise collaboration?   
  • How can commercial imperatives be aligned between insurers and suppliers?  
  • How can insurers build a dynamic and responsive supply chain in an unstable world?  
  • Building an interconnected ecosystem: what are the keys to success?  
Anton Ossip picture

Anton Ossip

Chief Claims Officer
Peter Edgar  picture

Peter Edgar

Head of Motor Claims Operations
Lucy Currie picture

Lucy Currie

Group Risk Director
14.50 - 15.10

AI Unleashed: Transforming the Insurance Landscape with Generative AI Innovation

Marc Jones picture

Marc Jones

Chief Technology Officer
Shift Technology
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

The claims department in a changing world

  • From civil commotion to climate catastrophe: how must the claims function prepare for instability?  
  • Dealing with more frequent demand surges: what are the keys to success?   
  • Streamlining in-house operations: what more needs to be done?  
  • Internal changes: how can employees be managed through IT and process transformation?  
  • The shift to prevention: what does a changing insurance business model mean for claims departments?  
Dean Witherington picture

Dean Witherington

Retail Claims Director
Richard Guest picture

Richard Guest

Home Claims Operations Director
Justin Skvarce picture

Justin Skvarce

Assistant Vice President, Cyber Claims
Arch Insurance
Chirag Jindal picture

Chirag Jindal

Global Insurance Product Lead
14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
14.20 - 15.10
Keynote address

Help or hindrance? How have the FCA’s recent regulatory changes impacted innovation?

From the GI Pricing reforms and the introduction of the Consumer Duty, to the pensions value for money proposals and the regulator’s approach on AI and their secondary objective on international competitiveness, how far can regulatory proposals support and encourage new entrants, products and ways of working? 

Charlotte Wightwick  picture

Charlotte Wightwick

Assistant Director, Head of Conduct Regulation
Association of British Insurers
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Optimising the power of AI in pricing

  • Unlocking the true power of AI in pricing: where are the key hurdles?   
  • Enriching pricing data: how can third-party data best be integrated?  
  • Why is there a developing need for explainability in pricing?  
  • Is there necessarily a trade-off between model performance and explainability? 
  • Managing the transition to pricing automation: how can AI and the traditional approach be combined?  
  • Art, science, or both? The evolving role of the human actuary 
Charlotte Ball picture

Charlotte Ball

Head of Pricing
Karl Ove Aarbu picture

Karl Ove Aarbu

Director & Tech Lead
Marvin Kuzamba picture

Marvin Kuzamba

Head of Pricing and Data Science
Hastings Insurance
14.15 - 14.30
Keynote address

The future of wellness and prevention

Carloaugusto Mironici picture

Carloaugusto Mironici

Generali Vitality

Samarth Shekhar

Regional Manager EMEA
SixThirty Ventures
14.30 - 14.45
Case study

Yulife | The future of customer engagement

Sam Fromson picture

Sam Fromson

Co Founder and COO
14.45 - 15.05

Gen Z and the Changing Face of Insurance

Bradley Jones picture

Bradley Jones

Insurance - Business Development Manager
15.05 - 15.25
Case study

YuBuntu |

Stephen Cartwright

15.25 - 15.45
Fireside chat

Becoming a wellness partner? Assessing the opportunities

  • How are growing digital health ecosystems presenting opportunities to transform the insurance proposition? 
  • What are the key hurdles preventing insurers from seizing the wellness opportunity?  
  • From nice-to-have to competitive imperative: leveraging wellness to genuinely impact loss ratios 
  • From measurement to influence: how can analytics help drive genuine changes in customer behaviour? 
  • Wellness-as-a-service: will this become the core product? In what timeframe?   
Duraid Alsamarai picture

Duraid Alsamarai

Head of Innovation and Health tech
Pedro Díaz Yuste picture

Pedro Díaz Yuste

Digital Health Director
16.15 - 16.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

Unlocking the benefits of predict and prevent

Jacek Tomczak picture

Jacek Tomczak

Head of Fire Risk Engineering EMEA
16.35 - 16.50
Fireside chat

Connected insurance in commercial lines: the opportunities and challenges

  • How are commercial lines leading the way in IoT adoption? And what lessons can personal lines draw?  
  • Where is IoT having the most transformative effect? And where next?  
  • How could edge computing enable a step-change in IoT capabilities? 
  • Are and should insurers aiming to be the orchestrators of a connected IoT ecosystem?  
Erwin A Rezelman picture

Erwin A Rezelman

SVP, Head of Technology for Continental Europe
Sompo International
Stefaan de Kezel  picture

Stefaan de Kezel

Director, Strategy & Innovation
Baloise Group
16.50 - 17.10

Rethinking Payments: The Intersection of Digital Transformation, Customer Centric Solutions, and AI in Insurance

Eimear Creaven picture

Eimear Creaven

Co-President of Global Partnerships
17.10 - 17.45
Panel discussion

Insurance in a connected world

  • Why have we yet to see an explosion of IoT devices in personal lines insurance?  
  • How can customer mistrust be overcome to facilitate penetration and encourage consent for data usage?  
  • Leveraging IoT data at scale and at speed: how far are we on the journey? 
  • Towards truly personalised risk management: what are the next steps? 
  • Will connected insurance unlock completely new revenue streams? In what timeframe?  
Richard Pash picture

Richard Pash

Chief Customer Officer
Paola Scarabotto picture

Paola Scarabotto

Head of Customer Intelligence & Data Analysis
16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

The changing role of insurtech in driving transformation

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
16.35 - 16.55

New methods for legacy modernisation

Erik Doernenburg picture

Erik Doernenburg

Chief Technology Officer, Europe
16.55 - 17.20
Fireside chat

Low-code, no-code: seizing the opportunities, managing the risks

  • Where is low-code, no-code likely to have the most transformational impact? 
  • Addressing the IT skills gap: is low-code, no-code the answer?  
  • The rise of the citizen developer: empowering non-IT staff while maintaining oversight 
  • Avoiding ‘spaghetti architecture’ and ‘shadow IT’: what management and precautions are required? 
  • Security and compliance: how can risks be mitigated?  
Bessem Ayari picture

Bessem Ayari

Head of Innovation, Strategy & Scouting
Andrea Pace picture

Andrea Pace

Head of Engineering Technology and Data
Brit Insurance
Kieran Topp picture

Kieran Topp

Head of Product
17.20 - 17.55
Panel discussion

Driving genuine transformation: battling the headwinds

  • How must transformation strategies adapt around ‘uncertainty as a new normal’?  
  • Digital as a core aspect of the insurance product: what are the implications for transformation? 
  • Where are the next upheavals likely to come from, and how can insurers prepare?  
  • Balancing short-term profitability with long-term transformation: what are the key considerations?  
  • More than a buzzword: what does genuine customer-centricity entail?  
  • How is the role of insurtech evolving in helping to secure digital transformation? 
  • Achieving harmonious transformation of the business model and IT: what are the keys to success?   
Imre Sztano picture

Imre Sztano

Chief Digital Officer
NN Group
Fabien Mellano  picture

Fabien Mellano

Head of innovation and product management
Allianz Partners
Emma Kindblom picture

Emma Kindblom

Head of Strategy
Dina Försäkringar
Bessem Ayari picture

Bessem Ayari

Head of Innovation, Strategy & Scouting
16.20 - 16.25

Opening Remarks

Matt Gilham picture

Matt Gilham

WHITELK Fraud Performance Consulting
16.25 - 16.40
Keynote address

The fraudster of the future: predicting behaviour

Ben Fletcher picture

Ben Fletcher

Director of Financial Crime - Personal Lines
16.40 - 17.00
Fireside chat

Optimising the SIU with data and analytics

  • How are the regulation and customer expectations changing the pressures on the SIU?  
  • Doing more with less: where are key efficiency gains in the SIU?  
  • How can new data sources be leveraged to better empower the SIU? 
  • How can triaging and automation be leveraged to focus investigators on high value tasks? 
Matt Crabtree picture

Matt Crabtree

Head of Financial Crime Intel & Investigations
17.00 - 17.40
Panel discussion

Stopping the digital fraudster

  • Old dog, new tricks: understanding the changing face of fraud 
  • A migration to commercial lines? Where are the main threats?  
  • How must the fraud function support digital transformation of the business? 
  • Busting synthetic IDs: what are the keys to success?  
  • Fighting fraud and maintaining CX: resolving the tensions 
Ben Fletcher picture

Ben Fletcher

Director of Financial Crime - Personal Lines
Howard Rawstron picture

Howard Rawstron

Head of Group Oversight Economic Crime Prevention
Lloyds Banking Group
Arlenee Lebrón picture

Arlenee Lebrón

Head of Fraud and P&C Claims Manager
Adele Sumner picture

Adele Sumner

Head of Counter Fraud and Financial Crime
16.20 - 16.25

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
16.25 - 16.40
Keynote address

Taking the next steps in cyber insurance: addressing the underwriting challenge

Jelmer Andela picture

Jelmer Andela

Head of Cyber Underwriting
Liberty Speciality Markets
16.40 - 17.05
Fireside chat

Automation of underwriting: unlocking new efficiencies

  • The ROI from automation: how much can loss ratios be improved? And what are the other potential benefits? 
  • How can fragmented systems and processes best be unified to enable greater automation?  
  • How are the skills required of underwriters evolving in an increasingly automated workflow?  
  • How can automation be built out into more complex products and risks?  
Dylan Rowe picture

Dylan Rowe

Head of L&H Automation Underwriting Solutions
Swiss Re
Grace Flowers picture

Grace Flowers

Chief Underwriting Officer
Zurich Spain
17.15 - 17.40
Panel discussion

AI and next-gen underwriting

  • How can AI be optimised to navigate an uncertain risk landscape?  
  • Learning from the best: training AI to mimic the result of the highest performing underwriters 
  • What role can new and alternative data sources play in unlocking greater accuracy?  
  • Generative AI: to what extent could this represent a step change in underwriting capability?  
  • Art and science: how can the role of human expertise be maintained in an AI world?  
Beat Stalder picture

Beat Stalder

Group Chief Underwriting Officer
Nicholas Kitchen picture

Nicholas Kitchen

Strategic Portfolio Director
AXA Commercial
Rangarajan Srinivasan picture

Rangarajan Srinivasan

Head of Insurance Solutions
16.15 - 16.20

Opening Remarks

David Otudeko

Assistnat Director, Head of Prudential Regulation
Association of British Insurers
16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

Genetic testing: how will regulation evolve?

Rebecca Ward picture

Rebecca Ward

Assistant Director, Head of Health & Protection
Association of British Insurers
16.35 - 16.50
Keynote address

The revolution of epigenetic testing

Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
16.50 - 17.05
Keynote address

Rewarding healthier lifestyle choices

Mihkel Mandre picture

Mihkel Mandre

Founder & CEO
17.05 - 17.40
Panel discussion

Unlocking next-gen underwriting

  • How are changing demographic and health trends impacting underwriting?  
  • Digital health, genetic testing, pollution monitoring: how are new data sources transforming risk modelling? 
  • From understanding to CX: how will wearables unlock the future of underwriting?  
  • Navigating AI risks: assessing privacy concerns, bias, and regulatory compliance  
  • Continuous underwriting: is this the future of life and health insurance? 
John Turner  picture

John Turner

Head of L&H Underwriting Innovation
Swiss Re
Attila Olah picture

Attila Olah

Head of Corporate Personal Insurance and Health and UW
Christoph Lüdemann picture

Christoph Lüdemann

Chief Medical Officer
09.15 - 09.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
09.20 - 09.35
Keynote address

The future of digital insurance

Marcin Detyniecki

Group Chief Data Scientist and Head of Advanced AI
09.35 - 09.55
Keynote address

Supercharging innovation: remaining relevant to clients

Carl Shuker picture

Carl Shuker

CEO, UK & Ireland
09.55 - 10.15
Keynote address

Regulation as a driver of innovation: the FCA’s perspective

Matt Brewis  picture

Matt Brewis

Director of Insurance
10.15 - 10.35

AI in Action: Future-Proofing Insurance with Edge AI, Telematics, and Generative Models

Deviprasad Thrivikraman picture

Deviprasad Thrivikraman

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Techvantage Analytics
10.35 - 11.15
Leaders' Forum

Unleashing the next level of innovation

  • Panning for gold: how can insurers find opportunities in the new normal of instability?  
  • Is insurance moving quickly enough to keep up with the pace of change?  
  • Playing in an open world: how can insurers design a long-term ecosystem strategy?  
  • How will the customer relationship change in an ecosystem-based world?  
  • Unlocking new business models: is insurance poised on the cusp of a radical change?  
  • Expanding insurability: how and where will risk prevention facilitate underwriting bad risks?  
  • What will the role of the insurer be in 2030?  
Berit Nilsen picture

Berit Nilsen

Executive Vice President, Analytics, Product and Price
Jörg Bertogg picture

Jörg Bertogg

Global COO, Commercial Insurance
Matthieu Caillat picture

Matthieu Caillat

Group Chief Operating Officer
Lars Gehrmann picture

Lars Gehrmann

Group Chief Digital Officer
Qatar Insurance Group
Sid Kamath picture

Sid Kamath

11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

How to Use GenAI to Build Virtual Agents that Delight Customers and Maximize Human Agent Efficiency

John Spottiswood picture

John Spottiswood

Chief Operating and Data Officer
12.05 - 12.25

Outdated policyholder experiences? Orchestrating frictionless customer experiences

James Peet  picture

James Peet

Practice Director
Adam Preis picture

Adam Preis

Director of Product and Solution Marketing
Ping Identity
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Unlocking ever deeper customer insight

  • Data opportunities, data challenges: what is required for a comprehensive customer view? 
  • From conversational AI to connected devices: which new data sources will revolutionise customer insight?  
  • What are the tools required to put customer insights and feedback at the heart of product and service design?   
  • The need for speed: how can new technologies facilitate understanding in real time?   
  • How can this insight be leveraged to create engaging and relevant value-added services?  
Nicolas Konnerth  picture

Nicolas Konnerth

Head of Conversational AI
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Achieving genuine customer centricity

  • True customer centricity: where are insurers falling down? 
  • What does it mean to deliver genuine value for customers?  
  • From insight to action: how can data make a real difference?   
  • How is advanced analytics enabling the development of ever more personalised customer experiences? 
  • Exclusion concerns: examining the risks of personalisation 
  • Managing vulnerability: how can insurers truly deliver for all customers?  
  • Will customer centricity require a ground-up rebuild of IT systems?  
Sharna Thomson picture

Sharna Thomson

Head of Customer, UK Claims
Adele Robertson picture

Adele Robertson

Head of Propositions
Philippa Mathews  picture

Philippa Mathews

Insurance & Financial Services Commercial Lead
11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

Stefan Lemper picture

Stefan Lemper

Maschmeyer Group
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

Towards insurance operations 2030: defining a roadmap

Carys Lawton-Bryce picture

Carys Lawton-Bryce

Chief Operations Officer
12.05 - 12.25

Modern Identity Solutions: Powering Insurance's Digital Transformation

Marco Valenti picture

Marco Valenti

Director, Business Acceleration
Thales Group
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Hyper automation in insurance

  • How can AI be increasingly embedded in workflows to achieve truly intelligent automation?  
  • How are new technologies enabling the automation of increasingly complex processes? 
  • Ready for a shake-up: which functions will be most transformed by hyper-automation? 
  • Joining the dots: how can disjointed processes be linked to achieve straight-through automation?  
Firas Ben Hassan picture

Firas Ben Hassan

Deputy Head of Data Science Services
Katie Sutton picture

Katie Sutton

Head of Solutions Engineering for Insurance
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Bringing the workforce on the transformation journey

  • Solving genuine problems: how can insurers effectively discover workforce pain points?  
  • Arming the workforce with tech fluency: what upskilling and retraining is required? 
  • Augmenting not replacing: how can AI best be used to empower the human workforce? 
  • Managing a digital and human workforce: what are the challenges and how can they be overcome?  
  • Encouraging experimentation: allowing employees to find new ways to use tools and technology 

Kate Moughtin

UK People Director
Shane Dixon picture

Shane Dixon

Head of Change & Continuous Improvement
Laura Thom picture

Laura Thom

Lead Delivery Manager
11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

David Clamp picture

David Clamp

Managing Director
The Camelot Network
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

Redesigning motor products

Václav Geletič picture

Václav Geletič

Head of Product Management
12.05 - 12.25

Crash Detection Revolution: Why Mobile Tech Is Taking Over

David Morse picture

David Morse

Chief Customer & Commercial Officer
Cambridge Mobile Telematics
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Connected motor: the data challenges and opportunities

  • Partner or competitor? Understanding the implications of OEM data ownership 
  • How might regulatory intervention affect motor data ownership?  
  • Will on-demand insurance be embedded into vehicles? And if so, when?  
  • The evolution of UBI: how soon, if at all, will pay-how-you-drive become mainstream across all demographics?  
  • How could emotional AI and in-car sensors open new data and product opportunities? 
Sebastien Fraysse  picture

Sebastien Fraysse

Head of Sales EMEA
Kjell-Jakob Krohn picture

Kjell-Jakob Krohn

Insurance Innovation & Business Development
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Insurance in a new era of mobility

  • Cars-as-a-service: is this the future of motoring and how should insurers respond? 
  • Preparing for full autonomy: increasing focus on motor product liability 
  • Assessing micromobility: to what extent is this the future of urban transport? 
  • Bicycle licences? How could regulation impact the development of micromobility insurance?  
  • Connected, embedded, subscribed: what will the mobility market look like in 2030?   
Paul Sykes picture

Paul Sykes

Motor Fleet Risk Consultant
Zurich Insurance Group
Rob Clark picture

Rob Clark

Head of Motor Underwriting

Daniel Beliki

Head of development
Covéa Affinity
Daniel Severin picture

Daniel Severin

Head of Insurance
11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
11.50 - 12.15
Keynote address

Interview | True innovation in commercial lines

Michael Gregory  picture

Michael Gregory

Director of Underwriting Strategy
12.15 - 12.40
Fireside chat

Emerging risks: pivoting to meet the needs of a new age

  • From cyber to the supply chain: where will emerging risks lie? 
  • How should insurers address emerging risks such as climate change? 
  • How important is data and analytics in understanding and mitigating emerging sustainability risks? 
  • What steps will insurers need to take to overcome a lack of historical data? 
  • Assessing the possibility of parametric products: a transformative innovation? 
  • How can insurers best prepare and support clients in the face of new risks? 
  • How will the role of the commercial insurer need to evolve? 
Richard Chattock picture

Richard Chattock

Insurtech Gateway
Joseph Ziolkowski picture

Joseph Ziolkowski

Chief Executive Officer / Founder
Relm Insurance
12.50 - 13.15
Panel discussion

(Un)natural catastrophe: tackling climate-related disruption

  • How are developments in AI and analytics transforming understanding of Nat Cat?  
  • Build back better: assessing investment in resilience post loss 
  • How are European governments responding to evolving catastrophe risk and what are the implications for insurance?   
  • What are the practical strategies for insurers to make a real difference in helping to reduce the chances of catastrophe?  
  • What further action can be taken to partner with clients to reduce CO2 emissions?  
Paola Difonzo picture

Paola Difonzo

Head of Business Transformation
Marc Lehmann picture

Marc Lehmann

Head of Physical Climate Risk Advisory
Adrian Champion  picture

Adrian Champion

Head of Climate Analytics UK and EMEA
14.30 - 14.50

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Being where the customer is: insurance purchasing trends of the future

  • Are insurers doing enough to adapt to changing customer purchasing behaviours?  
  • Planning a channel strategy: where will customer behaviours take us next? 
  • From voice to social media and influencers: are these really sales channels of the future?  
  • Assessing the possibilities of super apps: will we see them in Europe? And what would they mean for distribution?  
  • Embedded, connected, subscribed: how will Gen Z want to buy insurance?  
Eric Alexandre Pulido Perrault picture

Eric Alexandre Pulido Perrault

Head of Business Enablement
AXA Group
Bernadette Hackett picture

Bernadette Hackett

Head of Customer and Distribution Management
15.15 - 15.45
Leaders' Forum

Preparing for the future of distribution: the strategic and technological implications

  • From e-signatures to virtual consultations: achieving seamless digital journeys  
  • Going D2C with complex products: where are the hurdles and how can they be overcome?  
  • Advice and relationships: assessing the ongoing relevance of human contact 
  • Managing increasing complexity in the ‘phygital’ distribution model 
  • Building seamless multi-channel journeys: how is new technology making this a reality? 
Alexander Hess picture

Alexander Hess

Country Manager Germany & Austria
Harry van der Zwan picture

Harry van der Zwan

Chief Commercial Officer Brokers & Partners
NN Group
James Tootell picture

James Tootell

Investment Director
Eos Venture Partners
14.30 - 14.35

Opening Remarks

David Clamp picture

David Clamp

Managing Director
The Camelot Network
14.35 - 14.55
Keynote address

Waiting for Godot: why the delay for telematics in Europe?

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
14.55 - 15.20
Keynote address

Towards true autonomy: the future of transport

Christopher Moore picture

Christopher Moore

Head of Apollo ibott 1971
Rebecca Marsden picture

Rebecca Marsden

VP of Commercial Finance
15.20 - 15.45
Panel discussion

The future of motor



David Williams picture

David Williams

Consultant & Advisor
School House Hargrave
James Russell picture

James Russell

Lead to Change Consulting
14.30 - 14.35

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Managing risk in the green economy: rising to the challenge

Isa Ennadifi picture

Isa Ennadifi

Head of Sustainability Solutions, Alternative Risk Transfer (ART)
Allianz Commercial
14.50 - 15.10
Keynote address

Carbon credit insurance: plugging into a growing market

Charlie Pool picture

Charlie Pool

Head of Carbon Insurance
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Capturing the opportunities of the green economy

  • Insurance as enabler: what is the role of the industry in facilitating new green solutions? 
  • Understanding the scale of the green energy opportunity and the keys to success 
  • Underwriting without historical data: how can insurers quantify the gravity of risk of green solutions   
  • How are new products like parametric assisting in the underwriting of green risks? 
Glenn O'Halloran  picture

Glenn O'Halloran

Executive Director, Climate, Risk and Resilience
Vicky Roberts-Mills picture

Vicky Roberts-Mills

Global Head of Energy Transition
Robert Lumley picture

Robert Lumley

Insurtech Gateway

Session One: CEO Forum - Navigating a changing insurance landscape

09.05 - 09.10

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
09.10 - 09.25

Defining the priorities for 2025 and beyond

Alison Martin picture

Alison Martin

CEO EMEA & Bank Distribution
09.25 - 09.40
Keynote address

Next-generation insurance: leveraging the power of technology

David McMillan  picture

David McMillan

09.40 - 09.55
Keynote address

Unlocking the power of AI in insurance

Mark Klein picture

Mark Klein

Group Chief Digital Officer
09.55 - 10.15

Navigating the future: Signals through the noise

Glynn Austen-Brown picture

Glynn Austen-Brown

Mohammad Khan picture

Mohammad Khan

Partner and General Insurance Leader
10.15 - 10.45
Leaders' Forum

Building a roadmap for the future

  • Instability is the new normal: how must business strategies adapt?   
  • Combining margin protection and topline growth: what are the potential solutions?  
  • The future of the hard market: what are the trends in capacity and what do they mean for strategy? 
  • M&A and divestments: what can we expect in 2024 and where do the synergy opportunities lie? 
  • Demographic change: what does it mean for insurers and how should they adapt? 
  • The personal lines business model: is it due for a radical rethink? What does this look like? 
  • Facilitating economic growth: how can insurers de-risk innovation and entrepreneurialism? 
Jason Storah picture

Jason Storah

CEO, UK & Ireland General Insurance
Tara Foley picture

Tara Foley

Simon Wilson picture

Simon Wilson

Mark Broadhurst picture

Mark Broadhurst

Managing Director Insurance, UK & Europe
DXC Technology

Stage One: Customer Stage - Ecosystems

11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

An architecture for the open world

  • How can insurers match the agility of new digital entrants? 
  • Looking to Open Banking: what key lessons can be drawn from banks leading the way?  
  • Industry-wide API standards: how much progress has been made?  
  • APIs, and business and product architecture: how are new revenue streams being opened up? 
Gonçalo Lages de Carvalho picture

Gonçalo Lages de Carvalho

Chief Technology Officer Europe
Yanna Winter picture

Yanna Winter

Chief Information Officer
Kaveh Rahnejat picture

Kaveh Rahnejat

12.00 - 12.20

GTFO: Get The Friction Out of Customer Engagement 

How to deliver seamless, engaging experiences that keep your customers (and your CFO) happy   

Ben Ruddle picture

Ben Ruddle

Strategy Lead
Publicis Sapient
Herman Van Volsem picture

Herman Van Volsem

Principal Architect for Digital
12.20 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Strategies for customer engagement: insurance in a world of ecosystems

  • Understanding the future of ecosystems in Europe: will we see super apps advance beyond Asia? 
  • Is it feasible to design a long-term ecosystem strategy?  
  • The insurer as intermediated capacity provider: is this the future of the insurer in an ecosystem world? 
  • A partner for life: are value-added services the key to navigating the intermediation threat? 
  • Towards more frequent engagement with customers: how will insurers need to prepare? 
  • Embed or orchestrate: should insurers aim to enter or create ecosystems? 
  • Amazon-ification: how can insurers keep pace with changing customer and partner expectations?  
Dr Clemens Dietrich picture

Dr Clemens Dietrich

Head of BMP Product & Process Harmonization
Allianz Direct
Evangelos Avramakis  picture

Evangelos Avramakis

Lead Foresight, Insights & Development
Swiss Re
Charles Clarke picture

Charles Clarke

Group Vice President

Stage Two: Transformation Stage - Data

11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Matt Gilham picture

Matt Gilham

WHITELK Fraud Performance Consulting
11.35 - 11.50
Case study

Allianz | Addressing the challenges to data maturity

Andreas Wilhelm picture

Andreas Wilhelm

Lead Project Unique Customer View
11.50 - 12.10

Transformation in Insurance

Anthony Chan picture

Anthony Chan

Solutions Architect
12.10 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Getting data right: defining your strategies

  • Evolving data management technologies: how can the potential best be unlocked?  
  • Customer Data Management: busting siloes to unlock true customer-centricity  
  • Propagating a culture of data appreciation: from the board to the frontline employees 
  • A team effort: how can all employees be made to take responsibility for data quality?  
  • From connected devices to data brokerages: where will future data opportunities lie?  
  • How is the data ecosystem and data sharing set to evolve and how should insurers respond? 
Ian Wrigglesworth picture

Ian Wrigglesworth

UK Chief Technology Officer
David Dawkins picture

David Dawkins

Director Technical Sales, Global Industries, EMEA
Iron Mountain
12.30 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Feeding the machine: optimising data strategy for AI

  • Optimising AI: where are the key data hurdles?  
  • How must data collection strategies evolve to maximise results from AI?  
  • Synthetic data: assessing the possibilities and challenges 
  • The computation imperative: how can cloud providers be selected to maximise efficiency and ROI?  
  • Using the right data: how can data management mitigate AI bias risks?  
  • Tapping a goldmine? How can unstructured data be leveraged for new insights? 

Grégoire Caro

Data Science Director
Swiss Re
Tom Spencer picture

Tom Spencer

Director of Customer Data Sciences
Prathiba Krishna picture

Prathiba Krishna

AI & Ethics Lead
Marta Magnuszewska picture

Marta Magnuszewska

MSC, Senior Director of Claims Analytics

Stage Three: Claims & Fraud Stage - The future of digital claims

11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski picture

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski

AI Expert
11.35 - 12.00
Fireside chat

The future of claims automation: optimal, hybrid processes

  • Finding the maximum ROI from automation: defining a strategy  
  • To what extent are low- and no-touch claims the future across different lines?   
  • Bringing claims handlers aboard the AI train: upskilling and training 
  • How is AI-powered triaging facilitating the involvement of the human at the right time in the right place? 
  • Emotion AI-powered digital claims: could this become the best claims experience for some customers? 
Jeremy Trott picture

Jeremy Trott

Claims Director
Ecclesiastical Insurance
Emma Mills  picture

Emma Mills

Global Head of Insurance Segment
12.00 - 12.20

Stop using yesterday's solutions to solve today's problems

Manjit Rana picture

Manjit Rana

Executive Vice President - UK, EMEA & APAC
12.20 - 13.00
Panel discussion

Unlocking AI-powered claims

  • Driving greater speed in claims: strategies for success 
  • How do processes need to evolve to capitalise on the power of AI?   
  • Where is generative AI being effectively implemented in claims? And where next? 
  • AI in complex claims: is straight-through processing a possibility?  
  • AI and IoT: how can the two be combined to expediate claims journeys?  
  • What lies ahead for the future of AI- powered claims?
Julijana Sumner picture

Julijana Sumner

Chief Claims Officer, APAC & Europe
Tracy Bradbury picture

Tracy Bradbury

Head of Claims Insights, Change & Risk
NFU Mutual
Lucy Costin picture

Lucy Costin

Head of Claims Operations
Sompo International
Chris Bloomfield picture

Chris Bloomfield

Senior Director, Sales Engineering

Stage Four: Product & Price Stage - Product

11.30 - 11.35

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
11.35 - 11.50
Case study

Urban Jungle | Moving beyond insurance

Jimmy Williams picture

Jimmy Williams

Co-founder & CEO
Urban Jungle
11.50 - 12.10

Customer Engagement: The Driving Force Behind Insurance Innovation

David Morse picture

David Morse

Chief Customer & Commercial Officer
Cambridge Mobile Telematics
12.10 - 12.30
Fireside chat

Moving beyond insurance: the future of value-added services

  • Beyond loss mitigation: where would customers welcome greater insurer intervention in their lives?  
  • A significant revenue stream? Assessing the commercial potential of value-added services 
  • From data to insights to actions: understanding the data requirements 
  • Countering rising prices: could effective and engaging value-added services help to bring down premiums?   
  • Using services to sell insurance: a distribution approach of the future?  
  • Addressing exclusionary personalised pricing: to what extent are value-added services the solution?  
Jonathan Salter picture

Jonathan Salter

Head of Risk Consulting
Elliot Gradwell picture

Elliot Gradwell

Commercial Director
12.30 - 13.00
Panel discussion

The developing insurance proposition

  • Are insurers keeping pace with changing customer product demands?  
  • Are factors beyond price becoming determinative for customers? Which ones?  
  • Enabling proposition agility: how do IT systems need to adapt?  
  • How can products be modularised to allow for more personalised offerings? 
  • From subscriptions to UBI: assessing the potential of emerging product types 
  • Cross-lines connected policies: the insurer as a life partner  
Václav Geletič picture

Václav Geletič

Head of Product Management
Dr Magdalena Ramada Sarasola picture

Dr Magdalena Ramada Sarasola

Senior Director, Insurtech Innovation Leader

Stage Five: Life & Wellness Stage -

11.30 - 11.35

Welcome from EY

Alistair Brannan picture

Alistair Brannan

UK Life and Penisons Leader

Samarth Shekhar

Regional Manager EMEA
SixThirty Ventures
11.35 - 11.55
Keynote address

Building an insurer fit for the future of life

Mark Till  picture

Mark Till

11.55 - 12.15

Reimagining life and pensions: innovating to meet evolving customer expectations

Jill Hitchen

Partner, Technology Consulting, UK Financial Services
12.15 - 12.30
Keynote address

The future of protection

Mark Hussein picture

Mark Hussein

HSBC UK CEO of HSBC Life and Head of UK Insurance
12.30 - 13.00
Leaders' Forum

Assessing the future of life and health

  • Increasing regulatory scrutiny: what does it really mean to deliver value for the customer? 
  • From falling interest rates to new entrants: how can insurers navigate an unstable market?  
  • Balancing cost optimisation, innovation, and topline growth: where should priorities lie?   
  • Are insurers doing enough to engage the customer of the future?  
  • Surfing the ‘silver tsunami’: how must insurers prepare?  
  • The policy background: how can public and private interests best be aligned and served?  
  • Life and wellness in 2030: is the role of the insurer up for a radical rethink? 
Louise Colley picture

Louise Colley

Director of Protection
Rose St Louis  picture

Rose St Louis

Protection Director
Lloyds Banking Group
Mark Hussein picture

Mark Hussein

HSBC UK CEO of HSBC Life and Head of UK Insurance

Stage One: Customer Stage - Embedded insurance

14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
14.20 - 14.35
Keynote address

The Future is Embedded: Leveraging Technology and Ecosystems for Success

Philippe Knepfler picture

Philippe Knepfler

Chief Innovation Officer, Head of Business Development
Covéa Affinity
14.35 - 14.55

A Transformation Tale: Two Journeys, One Destination

Rory Yates picture

Rory Yates

Chief Strategy Officer
Stacey Hines picture

Stacey Hines

Chief Technology Officer
Rob Stanton picture

Rob Stanton

Head of Data & Chief Architect
esure group
14.55 - 15.10
Case study

The secrets of successful embedded insurance partnerships

Eugenio Molina Bellido picture

Eugenio Molina Bellido

Senior Commercial Director
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Capitalising on the embedded opportunity

  • Moving beyond P&C: will embedded insurance take off in other lines? In what timeframe?  
  • Understanding the customer(s): balancing the requirements of the partner and the end customer 
  • Meeting the tech challenge: how do insurers need to prepare? 
  • Tailored offerings: what needs to happen to develop personalised embedded products?  
  • Will we see embedded aggregators? And how would this affect the market?
Philippe Knepfler picture

Philippe Knepfler

Chief Innovation Officer, Head of Business Development
Covéa Affinity
Gonzalo Rodriguez picture

Gonzalo Rodriguez

Head of Group B2B2C Partnerships
Phil J. Hobson picture

Phil J. Hobson

Head of International Affinity
Dan Woods picture

Dan Woods

Founder and CEO

Stage Two: Transformation Stage - An AI-powered organisation

14.15 - 14.30
Keynote address

Generative AI in insurance

Paul Hollands picture

Paul Hollands

Chief Data & Analytics Officer
Emanuele Colonnella picture

Emanuele Colonnella

Innovation Lead
14.30 - 14.45
Keynote address

Transforming customer service with conversational AI

Nicolas Konnerth  picture

Nicolas Konnerth

Head of Conversational AI
14.45 - 15.05


Chief Executive Officer
Indico Data
15.05 - 15.25
Fireside chat

AI-driven analytics: unlocking the potential

  • From fraud to risk management: where have AI-driven analytics shown the greatest return so far?  
  • Where have third-party data sources had the biggest impact? How will this develop in future?  
  • Realising real-time analytics: what are the keys to success?  
  • Avoiding bias: how can insurers make sure to maintain ethical standards?  
  • How are increasing pressures for explainable AI impacting development?  
  • Quantum computing: is this the next step in analytics sophistication?   
Danny Hoskin picture

Danny Hoskin

Principal Data Scientist for Artificial Intelligence
Will Ross  picture

Will Ross

CEO and Co-Founder
15.25 - 15.55
Panel discussion

Building a roadmap to a truly AI-powered organisation

  • What more needs to be done to fully align AI innovation with business goals?   
  • Moving beyond the lab: achieving true scale with AI  
  • Cultural resistance: helping staff through disruption 
  • Democratisation of knowledge: how must the role of frontline employees change in an AI-powered organisation? 
  • Ethical AI: what controls need to be in place to ensure fair and equitable AI outcomes?  
  • What is the timeline for AI unlocking completely new and innovative business models?  
Frederic Crecco picture

Frederic Crecco

Director | Group Applied Technology
Chris Pearce picture

Chris Pearce

Chief Data Officer

Luke Vevers

Vice President
Gareth Edwards picture

Gareth Edwards

Technical Director

Stage Three: Claims & Fraud Stages - Claims in turbulent times

14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski picture

Dr. Leonid Torgovitski

AI Expert
14.20 - 14.50
Panel discussion

Addressing supply chain issues: what more can be done?

  • Augmenting analytics: leveraging data for better visibility of resources   
  • What steps do insurers and suppliers need to take to optimise collaboration?   
  • How can commercial imperatives be aligned between insurers and suppliers?  
  • How can insurers build a dynamic and responsive supply chain in an unstable world?  
  • Building an interconnected ecosystem: what are the keys to success?  
Anton Ossip picture

Anton Ossip

Chief Claims Officer
Peter Edgar  picture

Peter Edgar

Head of Motor Claims Operations
Lucy Currie picture

Lucy Currie

Group Risk Director
14.50 - 15.10

AI Unleashed: Transforming the Insurance Landscape with Generative AI Innovation

Marc Jones picture

Marc Jones

Chief Technology Officer
Shift Technology
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

The claims department in a changing world

  • From civil commotion to climate catastrophe: how must the claims function prepare for instability?  
  • Dealing with more frequent demand surges: what are the keys to success?   
  • Streamlining in-house operations: what more needs to be done?  
  • Internal changes: how can employees be managed through IT and process transformation?  
  • The shift to prevention: what does a changing insurance business model mean for claims departments?  
Dean Witherington picture

Dean Witherington

Retail Claims Director
Richard Guest picture

Richard Guest

Home Claims Operations Director
Justin Skvarce picture

Justin Skvarce

Assistant Vice President, Cyber Claims
Arch Insurance
Chirag Jindal picture

Chirag Jindal

Global Insurance Product Lead

Stage Four: Product Price Stage - Pricing

14.15 - 14.20

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
14.20 - 15.10
Keynote address

Help or hindrance? How have the FCA’s recent regulatory changes impacted innovation?

From the GI Pricing reforms and the introduction of the Consumer Duty, to the pensions value for money proposals and the regulator’s approach on AI and their secondary objective on international competitiveness, how far can regulatory proposals support and encourage new entrants, products and ways of working? 

Charlotte Wightwick  picture

Charlotte Wightwick

Assistant Director, Head of Conduct Regulation
Association of British Insurers
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Optimising the power of AI in pricing

  • Unlocking the true power of AI in pricing: where are the key hurdles?   
  • Enriching pricing data: how can third-party data best be integrated?  
  • Why is there a developing need for explainability in pricing?  
  • Is there necessarily a trade-off between model performance and explainability? 
  • Managing the transition to pricing automation: how can AI and the traditional approach be combined?  
  • Art, science, or both? The evolving role of the human actuary 
Charlotte Ball picture

Charlotte Ball

Head of Pricing
Karl Ove Aarbu picture

Karl Ove Aarbu

Director & Tech Lead
Marvin Kuzamba picture

Marvin Kuzamba

Head of Pricing and Data Science
Hastings Insurance

Stage Five: Life & Wellness Stage -

14.15 - 14.30
Keynote address

The future of wellness and prevention

Carloaugusto Mironici picture

Carloaugusto Mironici

Generali Vitality

Samarth Shekhar

Regional Manager EMEA
SixThirty Ventures
14.30 - 14.45
Case study

Yulife | The future of customer engagement

Sam Fromson picture

Sam Fromson

Co Founder and COO
14.45 - 15.05

Gen Z and the Changing Face of Insurance

Bradley Jones picture

Bradley Jones

Insurance - Business Development Manager
15.05 - 15.25
Case study

YuBuntu |

Stephen Cartwright

15.25 - 15.45
Fireside chat

Becoming a wellness partner? Assessing the opportunities

  • How are growing digital health ecosystems presenting opportunities to transform the insurance proposition? 
  • What are the key hurdles preventing insurers from seizing the wellness opportunity?  
  • From nice-to-have to competitive imperative: leveraging wellness to genuinely impact loss ratios 
  • From measurement to influence: how can analytics help drive genuine changes in customer behaviour? 
  • Wellness-as-a-service: will this become the core product? In what timeframe?   
Duraid Alsamarai picture

Duraid Alsamarai

Head of Innovation and Health tech
Pedro Díaz Yuste picture

Pedro Díaz Yuste

Digital Health Director

Stage One: Customer Stage - IOT

16.15 - 16.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

Unlocking the benefits of predict and prevent

Jacek Tomczak picture

Jacek Tomczak

Head of Fire Risk Engineering EMEA
16.35 - 16.50
Fireside chat

Connected insurance in commercial lines: the opportunities and challenges

  • How are commercial lines leading the way in IoT adoption? And what lessons can personal lines draw?  
  • Where is IoT having the most transformative effect? And where next?  
  • How could edge computing enable a step-change in IoT capabilities? 
  • Are and should insurers aiming to be the orchestrators of a connected IoT ecosystem?  
Erwin A Rezelman picture

Erwin A Rezelman

SVP, Head of Technology for Continental Europe
Sompo International
Stefaan de Kezel  picture

Stefaan de Kezel

Director, Strategy & Innovation
Baloise Group
16.50 - 17.10

Rethinking Payments: The Intersection of Digital Transformation, Customer Centric Solutions, and AI in Insurance

Eimear Creaven picture

Eimear Creaven

Co-President of Global Partnerships
17.10 - 17.45
Panel discussion

Insurance in a connected world

  • Why have we yet to see an explosion of IoT devices in personal lines insurance?  
  • How can customer mistrust be overcome to facilitate penetration and encourage consent for data usage?  
  • Leveraging IoT data at scale and at speed: how far are we on the journey? 
  • Towards truly personalised risk management: what are the next steps? 
  • Will connected insurance unlock completely new revenue streams? In what timeframe?  
Richard Pash picture

Richard Pash

Chief Customer Officer
Paola Scarabotto picture

Paola Scarabotto

Head of Customer Intelligence & Data Analysis

Stage Two: Transformation Stage - Next-gen transformation

16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

The changing role of insurtech in driving transformation

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
16.35 - 16.55

New methods for legacy modernisation

Erik Doernenburg picture

Erik Doernenburg

Chief Technology Officer, Europe
16.55 - 17.20
Fireside chat

Low-code, no-code: seizing the opportunities, managing the risks

  • Where is low-code, no-code likely to have the most transformational impact? 
  • Addressing the IT skills gap: is low-code, no-code the answer?  
  • The rise of the citizen developer: empowering non-IT staff while maintaining oversight 
  • Avoiding ‘spaghetti architecture’ and ‘shadow IT’: what management and precautions are required? 
  • Security and compliance: how can risks be mitigated?  
Bessem Ayari picture

Bessem Ayari

Head of Innovation, Strategy & Scouting
Andrea Pace picture

Andrea Pace

Head of Engineering Technology and Data
Brit Insurance
Kieran Topp picture

Kieran Topp

Head of Product
17.20 - 17.55
Panel discussion

Driving genuine transformation: battling the headwinds

  • How must transformation strategies adapt around ‘uncertainty as a new normal’?  
  • Digital as a core aspect of the insurance product: what are the implications for transformation? 
  • Where are the next upheavals likely to come from, and how can insurers prepare?  
  • Balancing short-term profitability with long-term transformation: what are the key considerations?  
  • More than a buzzword: what does genuine customer-centricity entail?  
  • How is the role of insurtech evolving in helping to secure digital transformation? 
  • Achieving harmonious transformation of the business model and IT: what are the keys to success?   
Imre Sztano picture

Imre Sztano

Chief Digital Officer
NN Group
Fabien Mellano  picture

Fabien Mellano

Head of innovation and product management
Allianz Partners
Emma Kindblom picture

Emma Kindblom

Head of Strategy
Dina Försäkringar
Bessem Ayari picture

Bessem Ayari

Head of Innovation, Strategy & Scouting

Stage Three: Claims & Fraud Stage - Fraud

16.20 - 16.25

Opening Remarks

Matt Gilham picture

Matt Gilham

WHITELK Fraud Performance Consulting
16.25 - 16.40
Keynote address

The fraudster of the future: predicting behaviour

Ben Fletcher picture

Ben Fletcher

Director of Financial Crime - Personal Lines
16.40 - 17.00
Fireside chat

Optimising the SIU with data and analytics

  • How are the regulation and customer expectations changing the pressures on the SIU?  
  • Doing more with less: where are key efficiency gains in the SIU?  
  • How can new data sources be leveraged to better empower the SIU? 
  • How can triaging and automation be leveraged to focus investigators on high value tasks? 
Matt Crabtree picture

Matt Crabtree

Head of Financial Crime Intel & Investigations
17.00 - 17.40
Panel discussion

Stopping the digital fraudster

  • Old dog, new tricks: understanding the changing face of fraud 
  • A migration to commercial lines? Where are the main threats?  
  • How must the fraud function support digital transformation of the business? 
  • Busting synthetic IDs: what are the keys to success?  
  • Fighting fraud and maintaining CX: resolving the tensions 
Ben Fletcher picture

Ben Fletcher

Director of Financial Crime - Personal Lines
Howard Rawstron picture

Howard Rawstron

Head of Group Oversight Economic Crime Prevention
Lloyds Banking Group
Arlenee Lebrón picture

Arlenee Lebrón

Head of Fraud and P&C Claims Manager
Adele Sumner picture

Adele Sumner

Head of Counter Fraud and Financial Crime

Stage Four: Product & Price Stage - Underwriting

16.20 - 16.25

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
16.25 - 16.40
Keynote address

Taking the next steps in cyber insurance: addressing the underwriting challenge

Jelmer Andela picture

Jelmer Andela

Head of Cyber Underwriting
Liberty Speciality Markets
16.40 - 17.05
Fireside chat

Automation of underwriting: unlocking new efficiencies

  • The ROI from automation: how much can loss ratios be improved? And what are the other potential benefits? 
  • How can fragmented systems and processes best be unified to enable greater automation?  
  • How are the skills required of underwriters evolving in an increasingly automated workflow?  
  • How can automation be built out into more complex products and risks?  
Dylan Rowe picture

Dylan Rowe

Head of L&H Automation Underwriting Solutions
Swiss Re
Grace Flowers picture

Grace Flowers

Chief Underwriting Officer
Zurich Spain
17.15 - 17.40
Panel discussion

AI and next-gen underwriting

  • How can AI be optimised to navigate an uncertain risk landscape?  
  • Learning from the best: training AI to mimic the result of the highest performing underwriters 
  • What role can new and alternative data sources play in unlocking greater accuracy?  
  • Generative AI: to what extent could this represent a step change in underwriting capability?  
  • Art and science: how can the role of human expertise be maintained in an AI world?  
Beat Stalder picture

Beat Stalder

Group Chief Underwriting Officer
Nicholas Kitchen picture

Nicholas Kitchen

Strategic Portfolio Director
AXA Commercial
Rangarajan Srinivasan picture

Rangarajan Srinivasan

Head of Insurance Solutions

Stage Five: Life & Wellness Stage -

16.15 - 16.20

Opening Remarks

David Otudeko

Assistnat Director, Head of Prudential Regulation
Association of British Insurers
16.20 - 16.35
Keynote address

Genetic testing: how will regulation evolve?

Rebecca Ward picture

Rebecca Ward

Assistant Director, Head of Health & Protection
Association of British Insurers
16.35 - 16.50
Keynote address

The revolution of epigenetic testing

Tom Nodine picture

Tom Nodine

CEO & Founder
Human Life Expectancy Inc
16.50 - 17.05
Keynote address

Rewarding healthier lifestyle choices

Mihkel Mandre picture

Mihkel Mandre

Founder & CEO
17.05 - 17.40
Panel discussion

Unlocking next-gen underwriting

  • How are changing demographic and health trends impacting underwriting?  
  • Digital health, genetic testing, pollution monitoring: how are new data sources transforming risk modelling? 
  • From understanding to CX: how will wearables unlock the future of underwriting?  
  • Navigating AI risks: assessing privacy concerns, bias, and regulatory compliance  
  • Continuous underwriting: is this the future of life and health insurance? 
John Turner  picture

John Turner

Head of L&H Underwriting Innovation
Swiss Re
Attila Olah picture

Attila Olah

Head of Corporate Personal Insurance and Health and UW
Christoph Lüdemann picture

Christoph Lüdemann

Chief Medical Officer

Session Five: The CEO Forum - The innovation-ready insurer

09.15 - 09.20

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
09.20 - 09.35
Keynote address

The future of digital insurance

Marcin Detyniecki

Group Chief Data Scientist and Head of Advanced AI
09.35 - 09.55
Keynote address

Supercharging innovation: remaining relevant to clients

Carl Shuker picture

Carl Shuker

CEO, UK & Ireland
09.55 - 10.15
Keynote address

Regulation as a driver of innovation: the FCA’s perspective

Matt Brewis  picture

Matt Brewis

Director of Insurance
10.15 - 10.35

AI in Action: Future-Proofing Insurance with Edge AI, Telematics, and Generative Models

Deviprasad Thrivikraman picture

Deviprasad Thrivikraman

Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Techvantage Analytics
10.35 - 11.15
Leaders' Forum

Unleashing the next level of innovation

  • Panning for gold: how can insurers find opportunities in the new normal of instability?  
  • Is insurance moving quickly enough to keep up with the pace of change?  
  • Playing in an open world: how can insurers design a long-term ecosystem strategy?  
  • How will the customer relationship change in an ecosystem-based world?  
  • Unlocking new business models: is insurance poised on the cusp of a radical change?  
  • Expanding insurability: how and where will risk prevention facilitate underwriting bad risks?  
  • What will the role of the insurer be in 2030?  
Berit Nilsen picture

Berit Nilsen

Executive Vice President, Analytics, Product and Price
Jörg Bertogg picture

Jörg Bertogg

Global COO, Commercial Insurance
Matthieu Caillat picture

Matthieu Caillat

Group Chief Operating Officer
Lars Gehrmann picture

Lars Gehrmann

Group Chief Digital Officer
Qatar Insurance Group
Sid Kamath picture

Sid Kamath


Stage One: Customer Stage - Delighting the customer

11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

How to Use GenAI to Build Virtual Agents that Delight Customers and Maximize Human Agent Efficiency

John Spottiswood picture

John Spottiswood

Chief Operating and Data Officer
12.05 - 12.25

Outdated policyholder experiences? Orchestrating frictionless customer experiences

James Peet  picture

James Peet

Practice Director
Adam Preis picture

Adam Preis

Director of Product and Solution Marketing
Ping Identity
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Unlocking ever deeper customer insight

  • Data opportunities, data challenges: what is required for a comprehensive customer view? 
  • From conversational AI to connected devices: which new data sources will revolutionise customer insight?  
  • What are the tools required to put customer insights and feedback at the heart of product and service design?   
  • The need for speed: how can new technologies facilitate understanding in real time?   
  • How can this insight be leveraged to create engaging and relevant value-added services?  
Nicolas Konnerth  picture

Nicolas Konnerth

Head of Conversational AI
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Achieving genuine customer centricity

  • True customer centricity: where are insurers falling down? 
  • What does it mean to deliver genuine value for customers?  
  • From insight to action: how can data make a real difference?   
  • How is advanced analytics enabling the development of ever more personalised customer experiences? 
  • Exclusion concerns: examining the risks of personalisation 
  • Managing vulnerability: how can insurers truly deliver for all customers?  
  • Will customer centricity require a ground-up rebuild of IT systems?  
Sharna Thomson picture

Sharna Thomson

Head of Customer, UK Claims
Adele Robertson picture

Adele Robertson

Head of Propositions
Philippa Mathews  picture

Philippa Mathews

Insurance & Financial Services Commercial Lead

Stage Two: Transformation Stage - The future of operations

11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

Stefan Lemper picture

Stefan Lemper

Maschmeyer Group
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

Towards insurance operations 2030: defining a roadmap

Carys Lawton-Bryce picture

Carys Lawton-Bryce

Chief Operations Officer
12.05 - 12.25

Modern Identity Solutions: Powering Insurance's Digital Transformation

Marco Valenti picture

Marco Valenti

Director, Business Acceleration
Thales Group
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Hyper automation in insurance

  • How can AI be increasingly embedded in workflows to achieve truly intelligent automation?  
  • How are new technologies enabling the automation of increasingly complex processes? 
  • Ready for a shake-up: which functions will be most transformed by hyper-automation? 
  • Joining the dots: how can disjointed processes be linked to achieve straight-through automation?  
Firas Ben Hassan picture

Firas Ben Hassan

Deputy Head of Data Science Services
Katie Sutton picture

Katie Sutton

Head of Solutions Engineering for Insurance
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Bringing the workforce on the transformation journey

  • Solving genuine problems: how can insurers effectively discover workforce pain points?  
  • Arming the workforce with tech fluency: what upskilling and retraining is required? 
  • Augmenting not replacing: how can AI best be used to empower the human workforce? 
  • Managing a digital and human workforce: what are the challenges and how can they be overcome?  
  • Encouraging experimentation: allowing employees to find new ways to use tools and technology 

Kate Moughtin

UK People Director
Shane Dixon picture

Shane Dixon

Head of Change & Continuous Improvement
Laura Thom picture

Laura Thom

Lead Delivery Manager

Stage Three: Motor Stage - Connected Motor

11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

David Clamp picture

David Clamp

Managing Director
The Camelot Network
11.50 - 12.05
Keynote address

Redesigning motor products

Václav Geletič picture

Václav Geletič

Head of Product Management
12.05 - 12.25

Crash Detection Revolution: Why Mobile Tech Is Taking Over

David Morse picture

David Morse

Chief Customer & Commercial Officer
Cambridge Mobile Telematics
12.25 - 12.45
Fireside chat

Connected motor: the data challenges and opportunities

  • Partner or competitor? Understanding the implications of OEM data ownership 
  • How might regulatory intervention affect motor data ownership?  
  • Will on-demand insurance be embedded into vehicles? And if so, when?  
  • The evolution of UBI: how soon, if at all, will pay-how-you-drive become mainstream across all demographics?  
  • How could emotional AI and in-car sensors open new data and product opportunities? 
Sebastien Fraysse  picture

Sebastien Fraysse

Head of Sales EMEA
Kjell-Jakob Krohn picture

Kjell-Jakob Krohn

Insurance Innovation & Business Development
12.45 - 13.15
Panel discussion

Insurance in a new era of mobility

  • Cars-as-a-service: is this the future of motoring and how should insurers respond? 
  • Preparing for full autonomy: increasing focus on motor product liability 
  • Assessing micromobility: to what extent is this the future of urban transport? 
  • Bicycle licences? How could regulation impact the development of micromobility insurance?  
  • Connected, embedded, subscribed: what will the mobility market look like in 2030?   
Paul Sykes picture

Paul Sykes

Motor Fleet Risk Consultant
Zurich Insurance Group
Rob Clark picture

Rob Clark

Head of Motor Underwriting

Daniel Beliki

Head of development
Covéa Affinity
Daniel Severin picture

Daniel Severin

Head of Insurance

Stage Four: Commercial Stage - Innovation in commercial lines

11.45 - 11.50

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
11.50 - 12.15
Keynote address

Interview | True innovation in commercial lines

Michael Gregory  picture

Michael Gregory

Director of Underwriting Strategy
12.15 - 12.40
Fireside chat

Emerging risks: pivoting to meet the needs of a new age

  • From cyber to the supply chain: where will emerging risks lie? 
  • How should insurers address emerging risks such as climate change? 
  • How important is data and analytics in understanding and mitigating emerging sustainability risks? 
  • What steps will insurers need to take to overcome a lack of historical data? 
  • Assessing the possibility of parametric products: a transformative innovation? 
  • How can insurers best prepare and support clients in the face of new risks? 
  • How will the role of the commercial insurer need to evolve? 
Richard Chattock picture

Richard Chattock

Insurtech Gateway
Joseph Ziolkowski picture

Joseph Ziolkowski

Chief Executive Officer / Founder
Relm Insurance
12.50 - 13.15
Panel discussion

(Un)natural catastrophe: tackling climate-related disruption

  • How are developments in AI and analytics transforming understanding of Nat Cat?  
  • Build back better: assessing investment in resilience post loss 
  • How are European governments responding to evolving catastrophe risk and what are the implications for insurance?   
  • What are the practical strategies for insurers to make a real difference in helping to reduce the chances of catastrophe?  
  • What further action can be taken to partner with clients to reduce CO2 emissions?  
Paola Difonzo picture

Paola Difonzo

Head of Business Transformation
Marc Lehmann picture

Marc Lehmann

Head of Physical Climate Risk Advisory
Adrian Champion  picture

Adrian Champion

Head of Climate Analytics UK and EMEA

Stage One: Customer Stage - The future of distrubution

14.30 - 14.50

Opening Remarks

Juliette Foster picture

Juliette Foster

Magnus Communications
14.50 - 15.15
Fireside chat

Being where the customer is: insurance purchasing trends of the future

  • Are insurers doing enough to adapt to changing customer purchasing behaviours?  
  • Planning a channel strategy: where will customer behaviours take us next? 
  • From voice to social media and influencers: are these really sales channels of the future?  
  • Assessing the possibilities of super apps: will we see them in Europe? And what would they mean for distribution?  
  • Embedded, connected, subscribed: how will Gen Z want to buy insurance?  
Eric Alexandre Pulido Perrault picture

Eric Alexandre Pulido Perrault

Head of Business Enablement
AXA Group
Bernadette Hackett picture

Bernadette Hackett

Head of Customer and Distribution Management
15.15 - 15.45
Leaders' Forum

Preparing for the future of distribution: the strategic and technological implications

  • From e-signatures to virtual consultations: achieving seamless digital journeys  
  • Going D2C with complex products: where are the hurdles and how can they be overcome?  
  • Advice and relationships: assessing the ongoing relevance of human contact 
  • Managing increasing complexity in the ‘phygital’ distribution model 
  • Building seamless multi-channel journeys: how is new technology making this a reality? 
Alexander Hess picture

Alexander Hess

Country Manager Germany & Austria
Harry van der Zwan picture

Harry van der Zwan

Chief Commercial Officer Brokers & Partners
NN Group
James Tootell picture

James Tootell

Investment Director
Eos Venture Partners

Stage Three: Motor Stage - Motor parts

14.30 - 14.35

Opening Remarks

David Clamp picture

David Clamp

Managing Director
The Camelot Network
14.35 - 14.55
Keynote address

Waiting for Godot: why the delay for telematics in Europe?

Matteo Carbone picture

Matteo Carbone

Founder & Director
IoT Insurance Observatory
14.55 - 15.20
Keynote address

Towards true autonomy: the future of transport

Christopher Moore picture

Christopher Moore

Head of Apollo ibott 1971
Rebecca Marsden picture

Rebecca Marsden

VP of Commercial Finance
15.20 - 15.45
Panel discussion

The future of motor



David Williams picture

David Williams

Consultant & Advisor
School House Hargrave
James Russell picture

James Russell

Lead to Change Consulting

Stage Four: Commerical Stage - Insuring the green economy

14.30 - 14.35

Opening Remarks

James Healey picture

James Healey

Head of Content, Insurance Innovators
14.35 - 14.50
Keynote address

Managing risk in the green economy: rising to the challenge

Isa Ennadifi picture

Isa Ennadifi

Head of Sustainability Solutions, Alternative Risk Transfer (ART)
Allianz Commercial
14.50 - 15.10
Keynote address

Carbon credit insurance: plugging into a growing market

Charlie Pool picture

Charlie Pool

Head of Carbon Insurance
15.10 - 15.45
Panel discussion

Capturing the opportunities of the green economy

  • Insurance as enabler: what is the role of the industry in facilitating new green solutions? 
  • Understanding the scale of the green energy opportunity and the keys to success 
  • Underwriting without historical data: how can insurers quantify the gravity of risk of green solutions   
  • How are new products like parametric assisting in the underwriting of green risks? 
Glenn O'Halloran  picture

Glenn O'Halloran

Executive Director, Climate, Risk and Resilience
Vicky Roberts-Mills picture

Vicky Roberts-Mills

Global Head of Energy Transition
Robert Lumley picture

Robert Lumley

Insurtech Gateway

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