Dan Campany – The Hartford

Posted on January 10, 2022

Ingar S. Bentsen – TheFactory

Posted on December 23, 2021

Marit Agner Matheson – Gjensidige

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John Glottrup – Alm. Brand Group

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Casper Sig – Axo Group

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Per Christian Møller – Alka forsikring

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Olivier Jaillon – Wakam

Posted on December 21, 2021

Matt Crabtree – LV=

Posted on December 20, 2021

Dan Gumpright – The Insure Techs

Posted on December 15, 2021

Aneesha Deshpande – Haven Life

Posted on December 9, 2021

Mike Terry – Shelter Insurance

Posted on December 7, 2021

Anthony Delaney – First Acceptance Insurance Company

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