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Building an architecture fit for the future

Seizing the innovation opportunity in the face of economic uncertainty

As the economic state of play remains unstable, innovation will be more crucial than ever within the insurance industry to ensure resilience.

From automation to cloud and open APIs, insurers will have to focus their investment priorities to build a successful transformation strategy.

Watch this webinar to discover how to seize the innovation opportunity and supercharge your ROI!

Watch to gain insight on:

  • The transformation state of play: how priorities are shifting in the face of an uncertain economic climate and evolving IT trends.
  • How automation trends and regulation will impact cost reduction strategies.
  • The keys to building a successful transformation strategy involving cloud, automation, and open APIs.
  • Focusing investment: prioritising between cost transformation and growth opportunities.

  • Shifting IT trends: where are the new business opportunities being created?

  • Upcoming AI regulations: what operational changes will be needed to ensure compliance?

  • The rise of intelligent automation (IA): how can insurers leverage IA to supercharge efficiencies?

  • From flexibility to security: what should insurers consider when deciding the right cloud model?

  • Multi vs distributed cloud: how can cloud strategies remain resilient in the face of future risks?

  • What strategies must be adopted to avoid spaghetti architecture and shadow IT?

  • What might a truly API-first architecture look like and how can it be achieved?





Meet the panel

  • Chris Thompson, Head of Digital Next Generation Insurance, Aviva

  • Mark Townsend, Managing Director, Motor and Home, BGL Insurance

  • Dylan Bourguignon, Chief Executive Officer, SO-SURE

  • Chris Gill, Head of Insurance, FintechOS

In partnership with:

This broadcast is sponsored by FintechOS

FintechOS is empowering insurance institutions with the insurtech tools they need to launch innovative, customer-centric insurance products in days rather than months or years.

Our high-productivity financial infrastructure powers our Northstar insurance platform. This cloud-native solution incorporates legacy and third-party data and systems, and connects them to the digital insurtech space.

We enable incumbent insurers and new market entrants to launch customer-centric digital products that win share of wallet immediately, then continue to innovate as they build the future of the insurance industry.

Launched in 2018, FintechOS’ high-productivity financial infrastructure already drives sales for more than 50 clients across the world. Join us on our journey as we continue to empower insurers to meet the needs of modern consumers.

To learn more, visit www.fintechos.com/


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