Ross Moore is Head of Vulnerable Customer for Bank of Ireland having previously managed Banking 365 Services for the Bank. Ross has an extensive background in Financial Services having previously worked with the Halifax and AA Insurance, but more recently has worked with UNUM Group as head of Disability Innovation. Ross was the founding member of the BOI Vulnerable Customer Unit and has been trained by all the leading advocacy groups – ASIAM (Autism), Irish Alzheimers Society (Dementia), Rutland Centre (Addiction), HSE Safeguarding (Care/Financial Abuse), NCBI (Sight), IDS (Hearing) and St John of Gods/IHREC (Minority Groups). Ross’ goal for Bank of Ireland is to ensure that Vulnerable Customers are not defined by their impairment but instead are offered choice suitable to their needs at all points in the Customer lifecycle. Our goal is Inclusion not Exclusion.