Rista Qatrini Manurung joined PT. AIA FINANCIAL in 2015 as Chief Legal and Compliance. Prior to joining PT. AIA FINANCIAL, Rista was Legal and Compliance Director of PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia and Group General Counsel for Sun Life Financial group of companies in Indonesia. Previously, Rista holds the position as an announced Partner at Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono, Indonesian Legal Consultants. Currently Rista is also acting as the Head of Compliance and Membership of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association since 2011.
Rista holds a Law Degree from Faculty of Law of University of Indonesia, a Master’s Degree in International Law in Banking and Law Studies from Boston University, Massachusetts, USA, and a Master’s Degree in Management from University of Ikatan Pengusaha Wiraswasta Indonesia (IPWI) Jakarta.
Rista is a registered Capital Market Consultant at Capital market and Financial Institution Supervisory Board. Rista holds an advocate license and is a member of the Indonesian advocate association (Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia). She is acknowledged as one of Asia’s leading business lawyers in insurance and reinsurance in Asia Law Leading Lawyers 2003 (Asia Law & Practice). She received an award for Inspiring Female Leader category in 2012 from Anugrah Perempuan Indonesia, recognized as one of the Great Women in Financial Industry by Indonesian Info Bank magazine, edition April 2014, received an award and several nominations from Sun Life Financial Global CEO, received in 2014 an award from Asian Legal Business and Thomson Reuters for category Indonesia In-House Lawyer of the Year and is nominated as a finalist receiving an award from Asian Legal Business and Thomson Reuters in May 2015 for category ASIAN In-House Lawyer of the Year.
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