Mette Bugge Bergsund

Mette Bugge Bergsund

Head of Human Resources Analysis and Corporate Culture, Gjensidige

Organizational developer HR analytics at Gjensidige. I am passionate for using data to take better and more informed decisions, and I am responsible for our monthly engagement survey at Gjensidige, and by extension supporting the wellbeing of our Employees. As a result I have gained insight on how the pandemic have had an impact, and learnings to help us steer our organization and our employees successfully through this period and prepare us for the next phase. I am therefor also part of our internal project that investigate how Gjensidige should handle “The future of Work”. All this combined have given me a thorough insight and knowledge about future workforce trends.

In addition to this I am also part of our advisory board of innovation, which among other things means that I have a special responsibility for strengthening Gjensidiges innovation culture.

I hold a Master of Communication, design and learning from the University of Oslo.

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