Matthew Baldwin

Managing Director Asia, Financial Risk Solutions

Matthew is Global Head of Sales and Managing Director Asia at Financial Risk Solutions (“FRS”).

FRS was established in 1999 by four senior level actuaries who had spent years on the other side of the desk working with different investment administration systems. Unable to find an efficient system they began building numerous ‘work arounds’ and disjointed systems and quickly realised that there was a tremendous opportunity to develop a software system that could solve complex problems for life assurance companies. Launching FRS the founding actuaries combined their industry know-how and investment product knowledge with the skills of leading software specialists to develop FRS’s flagship product: Invest|Pro. Today sixty-four life assurance companies in Hong Kong, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the United States use Invest|Pro as their core investment administration and fund accounting system.

Matthew’s career in funds and investment administration technology spans 30 years, beginning in his native New Zealand in support and implementation roles. He moved to Australia and then onto Singapore, Hong Kong and the UK while shifting his focus onto sales and business development roles. Now based back in Hong Kong Matthew is spearheading FRS’s expansion into the Asian and Australian markets with their first Asian client scheduled to go-live in April.

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