Martin graduated at the Royal Dutch Military Academy in 1993 and served as an officer in the Royal Dutch Army for 10 years. He lead different units and acquired a degree in Human Resources in 1996. In 2000 he started his career in the insurance industry. After working at Zwitserleven (Life Insurance and Pension Services) for a few years, he started working at Interpolis N.V. (Life, Non Life, Health, Income Protection, Pension Services, asset management). In 2007 Achmea, the largest insurance provider in the Netherlands, took over Interpolis. Martin lead various departments as general manager (sales, services and claims) offering different client solutions. This included Life, Non Life (B2B and B2C), Health and Income Protection for several brands within Achmea (Interpolis, Centraal Beheer, FBTO en Avero). Martin specialized in operations and client interaction.
Since 2016 Martin is Head of Claims Interpolis (B2C). Each year his department services 450.000 claims of customers representing 400 million euro’s in payments. Customers are very satisfied with the performance: on average the weekly Net Promotor Score is around +45.
30% of all claims are resolved in only one contact with a claims professional. On average each claim takes about 3 contacts to resolve. At this moment about 85% of the claims are handled via telephone. 15% of the claims are handled online. About 5% of the online claim handling is directly transferred and handled via a contractor network which is responsible for the reconstruction and repair of the damages customers suffered.
Martin is responsible for the strategic transformation to online claim handling for all brands and for the day to day performance of his department. He strongly believes that interaction based on clients’ needs is key for online development. He aims to evolve claim handling into 30% online straight through and 40% semi online where it’s necessary to contact a claim professional.
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