Marco Morana

Marco Morana


Dr.Morana is SVP at Citi’s Information Security based in London where heis primarily responsible for key initiatives focused on the analysisof risk of emerging cyber-threats targeting Citi and for architecturerisks analysis processes whose goal is to engineer secure web andmobile applications. Dr Morana is also involved in the several globalprograms run by Citi aimed to help start-ups including cyber-securitystart-ups such as the “plug and play” program and the “CitiMobile Challenge”. Dr Morana is also one of the judges/ mentorsfor the Citi Accelerator Center in Tel Aviv and works closely withthe Citi Innovation ventures team in USA and the cyber-security forumrun by the CTO involving IT decision-makers, public equity andventure investors.

OutsideCiti and in compliance with outside directorship interests, Dr.Morana is one of the technical advisors of the US based start-up NokNok Labs Inc based in Palo Alto CA and Confer Technologies Inc basedin Waltham, MA and director and partner in level 39 hostedcyber-security start up Minded Security UK Limited. Dr Moranamentoring focus is cyber-security and compliance specifically formatters related to development of technologies to mitigate the riskof cyber-attacks and controls to protect consumers, businesses andcritical infrastructure. In 2013 Dr. Morana mentored the 3D FintechChallenge that was sponsored by Dassault Systemes in 2014 and in 2014is one of the mentors of the Cognicity programme managed by PivotalInnovations. Dr. Morana is also member of the steering committee ofthe Security Innovation Network (SINET).

DrMorana has more than 15 years of experience in cyber and played arole as employee working for cyber security start-ups as well asFortune 500 companies. Dr Morana career in cyber-security started inUSA while working at a cyber-security project for NASA where heco-patented encryption for e-mails. After NASA Dr. Morana joined thecyber-security start-up Internet Security Systems (ISS) that becameIPO in 1998 and traded in NASDAQ as ISSX. ISS was later acquired byIBM. He also worked as early stage cyber-security start up eXCellNETwhere he managed a team of engineers in USA and outsource team inIndia tasked in the development of encryption technology for earlyversions of mobile phones running Windows CE O.S. eXCellNET was lateracquired by Sybase. As senior consultant for Foundstone (lateracquired by McAfee), Dr Morana played a leading role in developingthe software security consulting services.

DrMorana academic credentials include a Master of Science in ComputerSystem Engineering (MSCSE) from Northwestern Polytechnic (USA) andcoursework at University of California Berkeley and a Master ofScience in Mechanical Engineering (MSME) from the University ofPadova (Italy) with Professional Doctorate Engineering (Dr. Eng)certification.

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