Kathy Sullivan is an international executive at IBM, delivering leading-edge technology solutions to the financial services industry. Kathy joined IBM in Boston, Massachusetts in 1989 serving the insurance and mutual fund industry. In 1997, she joined IBM in Vienna, Austria to provide business solutions expertise to the insurance and banking industry in the emerging markets of Eastern and Central Europe. She then became the Financial Services Sector leader in Prague, Czech Republic before she moved to London in 2002. In London, Kathy has held global and local roles, always at the service of financial services clients. In January 2012, she was named Managing Director in IBM Nordics. In July of this year, she returned to London and is now Vice President and head of IBM’s Insurance Industry unit. Kathy has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts, and also holds the ACT certificate in International Cash Management and accreditation from the Harvard Negotiation Project.