Julien Renauld

Co-Founder, Wizzas

Julien received a Law degree in France specialising in civil and insurance Law. To date, he’s Partner in a brokerage firm “ORT Assurances” and co-founder of Wizzas.

Wizzas is an Insurance joint purchasing platform “full digital”. Julien decided with another co-founder Thierry DELCUPE to found Wizzas to provide a new Insurance products ditribution.

Wizzas won the “Innovation Trophy Of Paris 2017”. Wizzas has made a  bold move by putting the customer it the centre of the CRM. The Wizzas approach is to create communities with common needs of insurance. The members can ask exactly what they need in terms of guarantees and services.

After, in a co-conception process between Wizzas, Insurers and members, Wizzas find the best products and services. At the end of the day, each member can choose the proposal he wants in signing and paying on line

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