Henrik Grønborg was born in 1966 and has worked for Alka since 1998. In July 2016 Henrik became CEO, prior to which he was the executive vice President. In this role Henrik had the overall responsibility to identify the priorities to develop Alka, including reduced complexity as the essential foundation for developing simpler insurance products and operate digital business. Henrik Grønborg has been primarily responsible for operating the Alka’s 2020 strategy, where the focal point is “simplicity” – and lower complexity – implemented in products and processes and organization around the “Best customer experience”. Henrik Grønborg is educated in the insurance industry with supplementary education from Insead, CBS and Advanced Business Development CfL, and has previously worked for Codan, Forsikringsakademiet, Skandia Insurance and Gartnernes Insurance. He is married to Anne and together they have 3 children. The family lives North of Copenhagen.