Erik Wennerström

Erik Wennerström

Director General, Rogier Schoute Director- Core Payments, Klarna

Dr. Erik O. Wennerström is a lawyer, legal scholar, civil servant and former diplomat from Sweden. He holds a LL.M. and a LL.D. from Uppsala University. He joined the Swedish Foreign Service in 1990, and in 1996 the European Commission as an official in the area of Justice and Home Affairs. In 2000, he returned to Stockholm to work with EU-affairs at the Ministry of Justice. In 2007, Wennerström was appointed Principal Legal Adviser with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, a position he held until 2012 when he was appointed Director-General and head of the Swedish government agency for judicial statistics and analysis, a position he currently holds. Wennerström’s professional and academic experiences with measuring the degree of individual countries’ compliance with norms and standards, such as the rule of law or degrees of cyber security, has led to further applications of this knowledge, i.a. as an adviser to governments negotiating to join the EU, in developing tools for assessing the degree of rule of law in public administration, as an expert in activities organized by the European Commission in support of public administrations with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation, as well as numerous engagements as a speaker in such contexts.

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