Duncan Minty

Duncan Minty

Director, Ethics and Insurance

Duncan Minty is an independent ethics consultant, specialising in the insurance sector. He is also a Chartered Insurance Practitioner, having worked in the UK insurance market for 18 years.  

He has worked with a variety of insurers on ethics related projects over the past 21 years, helping them turn a commitment to ethics into practical steps for improvement.  

He was the author of the recently relaunched Business Ethics Programme for the Chartered Insurance Institute’s Fellowship qualification.  

He has engaged with academics researching insurance for several years and spoken at universities such as Bologna, Zurich, Manchester and Southampton. He was the key note speaker at the launch in 2019 of the Swiss Government’s NRP 75 project on the ethical challenges of big data in insurance. 

He writes a fortnightly newsletter providing news and analysis relating to ethics and insurance. Counter fraud has been a long running interest and articles built up over 11 years can be found at www.ethicsandinsurance.info 

He has a particular interest in the future of insurance and the implications of trends such as personalisation, optimisation, predictive analytics and panoptic regulation. 


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