Dr. Antonis Malagardis, joined GIZ in 2009 as program manager of the Microinsurance Innovations Programm for Social Security (MIPSS) in the Philippines. In January 2013 he was nominated Program Director of a BMZ funded regional Program on Regulatory Framework Promotion of Pro-poor Insurance Markets in Asia’ (RFPI Asia), which aims to advice insurance regulators/supervisors as well as selected insurance companies in seven countries in Asia on inclusive insurance, strengthen the capacity development of their staff and enhance knowledge sharing on insurance for the low-income people. His assignments as advisor in 24 countries covered risk management, social insurance, pension finance, health finance, public-private partneships, microfinance and microinsurance and lately climate finance schemes at the policy design, supervision as well as product development level. Born in Athens Greece, studied law and economics at the University of Athens and received his PhD in Berlin in the field of Institutional Economics on the topic of ‘Sovereign risk and insolvency of states’ (1989).