Craig Civil

Head of Data Innovation, R&D and Analytics, Data Lab, Lloyd’s

Craig is a highly experienced Senior Manager in a commercial environment driving teams forward by demonstrating leadership and innovation.  Craig is a data professional with over 25 years working with data across multiple industry sectors both in the public and private sectors and different geographic locations including the UK, Europe, USA and Australia.  Specialising in Data Science, Data Innovation and Data Operations.

The role at Lloyd’s has enabled me to transfer my data skills to the specialist commercial insurance industry sector and enabled me to expand my level of knowledge and influence into using innovative new data technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cognitive Computing and Robotics.


  • Identifying new areas of business value through the innovative use of data and smart analytics.
  • Creating and using AI technology based products, such as IBM Watson.
  • Using ‘Big data’ to drive business insight and value.
  • Using Data visualisation techniques to narrate a data story.
  • Improving Data Literacy and Data Science skills across a corporation.

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