Auralusia Rimadiana (Ima) is Chief Sales and Distribution Officer for Adira Insurance since April 2016. She has over 24 years leadership experience. She was previously as Deputy Director of Operations, held since 201, but now she is responsible for developing the marketing strategy and for supervising the overall activities of sales and distribution in Adira Insurance. She has been with Adira Insurance since 2002. Before joining Adira Insurance, she worked at PT Bank Dagang National Indonesia (1990 – 1998).
Ima studied at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in 1987. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Agroindustrial Technology and a Wijawiyata Management – from PPM School of Management.
She is one of the founders at Adira Insurance, especially in the areas of operations, services and call centers. With Adira Insurance for 16 years, various awards for services and call centers have been obtained.