Digital transformation in 2024

Defining investment priorities and maximising ROI to ensure future success

15 November | 4:15PM GMT | QEII Centre, London

As the economic state of play remains unstable, innovation will be more crucial than ever within the insurance industry to ensure resilience. From low-code to cloud and ‘as-a-service’ models, insurers will have to focus their investment priorities to build a successful transformation strategy.

What we will discuss


Taking transformation up a gear: what are the key investment priorities in 2024?


Where can the quickest returns be made and how can ROI be ensured?


Balancing short and long-term demands: keeping an eye on the climate without neglecting the future.

The Customer Revolution In-person Roundtable


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15 November | 4:15PM GMT
60 minutes

Welcome and participant introductions


Roundtable Discussion

  • Cost-cutting vs innovation: where do the priorities currently lie? 
  • What does it mean to be truly customer-centric and how do we get there?
  • Aligning IT and business strategy: how will roles and remits need to change?
  • Juggling short-term costs with longer-term gains: where should the balance lie?
  • Transforming in the face of rising costs: to what extent is plug & play and ‘as-a-service’ the answer?
  • Balancing low-code with legacy: understand the case for a bimodal IT strategy
  • What strategies must be adopted to avoid spaghetti architecture and shadow IT?
  • Ensuring ROI: how can insurers maximise value from investment?

Closing remarks

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