Danilo Raponi

Danilo Raponi

Group Head of Innovation, Generali

Danilo is the Group Head of Innovation at Generali, where he is responsible for the Unit in charge of driving and scaling innovation throughout the Group. He is the Managing Director of Generali’s global Innovation Fund, that aims to finance, promote and support the group’s most promising innovation projects across the globe, living the mission of “Innovation everywhere, for everyone”. Danilo joined Generali from Munich Re, where he held a number of innovation-related roles, including the Lead of Munich Re’s Global Innovation Framework. Danilo was also co-lead and co-founder of one of Munich Re’s biggest innovation initiatives: “garden”, a behaviour-based personal finance app that aimed to redefine insurance companies’ offering of investment and savings products to young customers. His most recent role was Senior Manager at Capital Partners, where he worked with innovative parametric products and formulated a comprehensive response to Covid19 challenges. Danilo has extensive experience in both Life and Non-Life (Re)Insurance, having held a number of roles in Swiss Re and Hannover Re, in addition to advisory positions in several Fintech start-ups. He has taught at the University of Zurich and at the University of Frankfurt, and has also worked as a consultant in the innovation/insurtech space, as Insurtech Lead for Ernst & Young in Germany. Danilo has entrepreneurial experience and is an angel investor in a series of startups. Danilo holds a MSc summa cum laude from LUISS University in Rome, an MBA from the Bocconi School of Management, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge.